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ISIApp Famiglia

Trentino Digitale S.p.A.
50,000+ downloads

About ISIApp Famiglia

Electronic register for the family.
The system uses the Firebase Cloud Messaging platform for sending push notifications. When installing the application it is necessary to accept its use.

The Web version is always available at

The app allows parents and students to follow the students' school progress:
- absences and justifications
- lesson topics
- homework
- disciplinary notes
- votes
- notes from the teachers
- evaluation documents
- year-end results
- individual interview bookings
- events agenda
- class and personal communications

Each school can decide whether to activate all the functions or limit itself to adopting only a few.

For problems with accessing the application or related to user management, contact the school secretariats, which can provide the appropriate system configurations.

ISIApp Famiglia Screenshots