The new App of Villaggio Orizzonte is the innovative and essential tool to better enjoy your stay in our village!
One App, many benefits
Smart Check-in
Complete the necessary information in advance and directly from the App and accelerate check-in at the Village.
Activity calendar
Calendar of entertainment activities, shows and sporting events related to your period of stay.
Close to you
The best attractions in Tuscany near Villaggio Orizzonte with geolocation and "Take me there" function
Help Me
All the most frequently asked questions about opening hours, about the services of your apartment, about maintenance and about the activities of the village gathered in one place and always at hand!
Push notifications
Receive all the updates on events, useful information on regulations to be respected and communications concerning you, directly on your device
Express your opinion on your holiday with a tap!
One App, many benefits
Smart Check-in
Complete the necessary information in advance and directly from the App and accelerate check-in at the Village.
Activity calendar
Calendar of entertainment activities, shows and sporting events related to your period of stay.
Close to you
The best attractions in Tuscany near Villaggio Orizzonte with geolocation and "Take me there" function
Help Me
All the most frequently asked questions about opening hours, about the services of your apartment, about maintenance and about the activities of the village gathered in one place and always at hand!
Push notifications
Receive all the updates on events, useful information on regulations to be respected and communications concerning you, directly on your device
Express your opinion on your holiday with a tap!
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