Varese4U-Archeo App is a game-application designed for educational-recreational purposes: a new way to experience an exciting adventure by learning about some of the main archaeological assets of the Province of Varese. N Using the application you will be transported to Monte San Giorgio, in Angera, at the Necropolis of Monsorino in Golasecca, at Isolino Virginia on Lake Varese, at the Lombard Necropolis of Arsago Seprio, at Castelseprio, at the Monastery of Cairate, at the crypt of the Church of Santa Maria del Monte on the summit of the Sacro Monte ... sitting comfortably in your home! n It is a journey into a fantastic world, that of the archeology and history of our territory. n You will be accompanied by some creatures that are often funny but also ... a little scary, able to make you smile but also reflect. nIt is a moment of sharing and learning designed for the little ones but ... not only! n Before starting the game, remember to explore the screen well and familiarize yourself with the different buttons: it will come in handy !!! n And please make friends with ARCHEO, the nice prehistoric boy who will accompany you on this adventure and may be you useful ... when it won't mess! n With him you will meet the terrible KRONOPIRATI, led by the fearsome Captain Barbosa, who have only one mission: to steal time ... fragments of history will be lost forever if a brave Temponaut (you, yes, you) does not travel between the ages by solving the treacherous puzzles posed by the Iron Sphinx! n Together with ARCHEO you will encounter nine Gates where you will be challenged with questions and skill tests. n If you answer correctly you will receive a trophy, an ARCHAEOLOGIST TOOL, you will increase your score and you will get an important clue to use in solving the final puzzle that will be posed by the Iron Sphinx. In case of wrong answer, you can still continue your journey without getting any reward. NThe questions can be asked in different forms: n- Multiple choice question - you will have to choose between four possible answers. N- Visual multiple choice question - you will have to choose between four images. n- Memory - you will have to match face down cards two by two according to the picture shown. n- Puzzle - you will have to recompose an image by moving the boxes. Attention, to move them it will be necessary to use the empty box. N- Quiz - you will have to recognize the reproduced image and type its name. NThe trophies and clues collected will always be available in your notebook. nAfter the 9th house, you will face the Iron Sphinx! Carefully reread the clues collected along the way and kept in your notebook (drop-down menu at the bottom right): you will be called to answer a very difficult question of logic. If the answer is correct, you will become an ARCHAEOLOGIST APPRENTICE and you will snatch the archaeological assets of the province of Varese from the clutches of the Kronopirati! n Yes, SURPRISE! THE SAVIORS AND GUARDIANS OF HISTORY AND PRE-HISTORY ARE THE ARCHAEOLOGISTS AND THE HISTORICIANS AND ALL THE SCIENTISTS WHO COLLABORATE WITH THEM! nIn case of defeat, DO NOT FEAR, nothing is lost: you can restart the game! nGOOD FUN and remember: ALL THESE PLACES ARE VISITABLE and often offer interesting activities for children and teenagers! Why not take a trip?
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