What large corporations have been using very successfully for some time can now also be afforded by a small or medium-sized company: An individual Advent calendar app with freely configurable actions to retain regular customers. Easy to use and installable as a free version via Google Play for your own regular customers (or those who want to become one).
Easily create promotions, price discounts, and raffle dates in the advent calendar app.
Your (regular) customers can open a new "door" every day and look forward to your promotions.
Curiosity is aroused: You have to look into the app once a day, because a preview of future promotions during the Advent season is not possible. So you are remembered every day with your business.
Easily create promotions, price discounts, and raffle dates in the advent calendar app.
Your (regular) customers can open a new "door" every day and look forward to your promotions.
Curiosity is aroused: You have to look into the app once a day, because a preview of future promotions during the Advent season is not possible. So you are remembered every day with your business.
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