PooPooSweeper icon


Fukafuka Co., Ltd.
10+ downloads

About PooPooSweeper

"Neko" was brought in a laboratory then they became mass generation!?
- 研究所に持ち込まれたねこがまさかの大量発生!?

They scattered all over in Japan and soiled there by poopoo .
- 各地に散らばったねこが、なんと日本中をぷーぷーで汚して回る…ッ!!

They like a sandbox in a park then they hid many many poopoo.
- 散らばったねこは公園の砂場を好み、大量のぷーぷーを隠した。

Neko was having an expression as if to say "Do you want our poopoo? If you want, you can get all them. Find them! We left all of them!!"
- 「俺のぷーぷーか?ほしけりゃくれてやる。さがせ、全てのぷーぷーを砂場に置いてきた!」そう言わんばかりの表情を浮かべるねこ。

Let's stand up! It's start to search poopoo!!
- 立ち上がれ!ぷーぷー探しの旅が今、始まる。

*Don't touch a poopoo by your hand.

*There are roughly the same number of poopoo with scoop.

*You can use one scoop by one poopoo.

*You can flat the sand by your hand if that place without poopoo.

*There are hint in a flatten sand.

*You must have seen this game...

PooPooSweeper Screenshots