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Ensemble Dream

Happy Elements K.K
4.4 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Ensemble Dream

The 4th from Happy Elements' Super Lite brand, bringing you high quality casual games.

This time, we bring you a spin-off game from the hit card game "Ensemble Girls", reaching over 1.2 million downloads.
You will play as Daniel, the doll belonging to Yuyu Kinoshita, in Kimisaki High School's class 1-B.

Enter Yuyu's dream and control Daniel to reach the rainbow goal in this side-scrolling action game!
Run away from the ghosts in the dream world and make it to the goal!

▼ Tap!
The controls are simple: just tap the screen!
Daniel will jump when you tap the screen

▼ Jump around!
Get the double jump item to freely jump around the clouds!
If you pick up a parfait you will become and giant, crushing everything in your path!

▼ Be clever!
Use the various items, traps, and switches in each stage to safely make it to the goal

▼ Perfect it!
After finishing each stage, you can try to collect the stars in each stage to get a high score!

Ensemble Dream Screenshots