This quiz contains 543 basic words, such as facts and idioms, focusing on important proverbs that adults should remember. By using the quiz format, you can learn the meaning of proverbs and kanji notation efficiently, and quickly acquire common sense.
It is useful for making public speeches, writing compositions and dissertations, and reading novels. It can also be used for junior high school students, high school students, and other national languages.
Usage: The question sentence is displayed. After that, press the "See answer" button to display the answer. If you press the button for whether the answer you thought was "correct" or "incorrect", the next question is displayed.
If you answer to the end or press the "Done" button, "Number of questions", "Number of correct answers", and "Rate of correct answers" will be displayed.
* You can also prevent questions that have been answered once from being asked.
It is useful for making public speeches, writing compositions and dissertations, and reading novels. It can also be used for junior high school students, high school students, and other national languages.
Usage: The question sentence is displayed. After that, press the "See answer" button to display the answer. If you press the button for whether the answer you thought was "correct" or "incorrect", the next question is displayed.
If you answer to the end or press the "Done" button, "Number of questions", "Number of correct answers", and "Rate of correct answers" will be displayed.
* You can also prevent questions that have been answered once from being asked.
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