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Iniesta Academy Digital

Rakuten Group, Inc.
100+ downloads

About Iniesta Academy Digital

"Are you ready to start your football journey with a football legend?

The Iniesta Academy Digital app offers a variety of football lessons taught by the world-class football player, Andrés Iniesta, and his coaches catered to your learning cadence.

Join us now to improve the football skills of your choice!

Through this app, you will gain access to:
- A catalog of content covering a wide variety of football topics catered for all positions;
- Orignal training program videos based on 4 levels and 4 skills;
- Curated learning programs videos to access at any time and from anywhere;
- Content categories including technique, strategy, physical and mental skills;
- Easy-to-follow instructional method for you to improve and immerse in the game you love;
- Selected list of episodes from Iniesta TV that include exclusive interviews about the football player's life in Japan, his origins, and many of his career highlights;
- The possibility to ask direct questions to Iniesta and the chance to receive videos answers from him;
- Download videos to continue your learning and training uninterrupted while on the go;
- Access to a dedicated dashboard to see progress and learning status.

Join the journey with us now to immerse yourself in the world of football and improve your skills along the way!

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