[Recruit Agent is No. 1 in job change record (* 1)]
Dialogue is effective for changing jobs.
Talk to a career advisor who is a "professional in changing jobs" and realize what you wanted to do.
Recruit agent for changing jobs
About Recruit Agent
Recruit Agent is a job change support service operated and provided by Recruit.
No. 1 in job change support (* 1)
Since its establishment in 1977, a total of 540,000 people / person (* as of March 2020) have changed jobs through recruiting agents. (From the job change market fixed point survey)
The reason why Recruit Agent is No. 1 (* 1) in job change record
▷▷ Industry's largest, more than 100,000 private jobs (* as of August 2020) ◁◁
Approximately 50% (* as of August 2020) of the jobs held by Recruit Agent are private jobs (* 2).
▷▷ Career advisor with a proven track record ◁◁
Career advisors who are "professionals in changing jobs" who are familiar with each industry will carefully select and introduce jobs that meet the wishes and skills of our customers. One of the jobs of a career advisor is to find out the value of experience and qualifications that the customer is not aware of. We will objectively analyze your skills and experience, tell you about the current job change market, and tell you the strengths that you can utilize in your work.
▷▷ Full support service ◁◁
From correction of submitted documents such as resumes and resumes to interview measures, provision of industry / company information investigated and analyzed by Recruit Agent. A full support system is in place.
● Correction & advice of submitted documents
Career advisors will help you make the most of your strengths, such as guidance on how to write various documents such as work history, career sheet, resume, how to write sentences according to the company you are applying for, advice on points to appeal, etc. Let me do it.
● Thorough support up to interview measures
We will tell you about interview preparation information for each company, such as "the part that attracts attention in the interview" and "the tendency of hires". You can also participate in the "Interview Ability Improvement Seminar".
Interview skill improvement seminars are "reasons for changing jobs" and "self" from the interview winning method that "you will be able to talk about what the company wants to hire" and the understanding of the person image that the company wants, even in interview situations that tend to be tense. We will teach you all the success know-how necessary for changing jobs, including the scenario creation method in "PR".
● Providing unique industry / company information
Recruiting advisors create job vacancies and company reports based on the information actually collected through interviews with recruiters of companies, so recruiting agent-specific information that cannot be obtained only from ordinary recruiting sites can be obtained. It offers.
Recruiting / Job Change App Recruit Agent
From job search to application procedure and progress management, you can complete it with just one app. It is a job change app of Recruit Agent that supports your job change activity.
Recruit Agent Career Change App Features
▷▷ You can check the selection status of the applied job at any time ◁◁
You can check the progress of the job offer by dividing it into four statuses: applied, passed documents, interview selection, and informal decision. You can see the progress of multiple companies in a list, so you can see the progress of your career change activities at a glance.
▷▷ You can see emails from Recruit Agent on the app ◁◁
You can check all the emails sent from the system of your career advisor or recruiting agent on the app. You don't have to worry about missing a contact because you won't be confused or buried in emails from anyone other than Recruit Agent.
▷▷ Notification of new emails and new jobs by push notification ◁◁
We will notify you of new emails from Recruit Agent, saved search conditions, and new jobs that match your search history by push notification.
We will not miss a job that meets your needs or an application that will be introduced by your career advisor.
▷▷ You can create documents from your smartphone ◁◁
From the app, you can create and update work history and career sheets required for job change activities. Even if you are busy with your current job and have time, you can create documents using the gap time because there is a temporary storage function.
▷▷ Industry's largest, more than 100,000 private jobs (* as of August 2020) ◁◁
Of the job change sites and job change agent services, only recruit agents have more than 100,000 private jobs (* as of August 2020).
In addition to managing the progress of job changes, the app allows you to search for all jobs in Recruit Agent, including private jobs.
We will offer you the greatest potential from the largest jobs in the industry.
■ Desired conditions that can be searched
・ Occupations (sales, SE, IT engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, construction, real estate profession, business planning, business planning, business planning, etc.)
・ Work location (Tokyo, 23 wards, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, etc.)
・ Industry (Internet industry, human resources / education industry, media / advertising industry, consulting industry, etc.)
·annual income
·Final Education
・ Specific conditions (regular employees, holidays on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, no transfer, inexperienced occupation, inexperienced industry)
・ Keywords (company name, job name, job content)
■ Recommended for people like this!
・ Those who are uneasy about changing jobs for the first time
・ Those who do not know their own appeal points
・ Those who do not know the company that suits them
・ Those who are uneasy about aptitude tests and written tests
・ Those who are enrolled and cannot easily take time
・ Those who do not understand how to write resumes and resumes
・ Those who are not good at interviewing
・ Those who want to see a lot of private information
・ Those who have registered on the job change site / job change app but are having difficulty selecting
・ Those who want to find a job quickly with the app in the free time
・ Those who want to consult with a career advisor with a wealth of experience
・ Those who want correction of submitted documents and advice
・ Those who want to know information that cannot be obtained from recruitment websites, such as company reports.
[Service area]
Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Tochigi, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Okinawa
Metropolitan area, 23 wards, Kanto, Kansai, Tokai, Koshinetsu, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu
IT / communications industry, WEB / Internet industry, machinery / electrical industry, chemical / materials industry, trading company, logistics / transportation industry, retail / wholesale / service industry, travel / entertainment industry, media / advertising industry, human resources industry, consulting industry, Financial insurance industry, real estate / construction industry, medical / pharmaceutical industry, infrastructure, government offices, etc.
Sales / sales, management / planning / marketing, clerical work (accounting / general affairs / personnel / purchasing, etc.), IT / engineer, electrical / mechanical / scientific engineer, medical / pharmaceutical / cosmetics, consultant, construction / civil engineering technology, etc.
In addition, no overtime, inexperienced, office work, 20's, 30's, 40's, sales, home office work, apparel, English, full-time employee, graduate school graduate, university graduate, junior college graduate, real estate, electronic equipment, circuit design, electronic technology, etc.
We also have a lot of experience in supporting job changes for second-year graduates, venture companies, major companies, high careers, managers, technical staff, and engineers.
[Qualifications that can be used for recruiting]
TOEIC, Nissho Bookkeeping Level 2, Architect, Building Lots and Buildings Trader (Housing), Certified Accountant, Building Construction Management Engineer, Civil Engineering Construction Management Engineer, Electrical Construction Management Engineer, Pipe Construction Management Engineer, Chief Electrical Engineer, Building Equipment Architect, real estate appraiser, manager, etc.
■ Caution
You need a Personal Desktop account to use it.
If you have not yet registered for the Recruit Agent job change support service, please apply for the service from the Recruit Agent site.
After registration, we will send you your Personal Desktop account information by email.
Depending on your experience and request, we may not be able to provide the service.
If access is concentrated, communication may be temporarily lost.
If you cannot get or send information from the app, please access the Recruit Agent registrant-only site with your browser.
The app may transition to the browser recruiting agent registrant-only site ,,
In this case, some functions may not be available. note that.
Also, even if you are logged in with the app
Please note that you will need to log in again on the site dedicated to Recruit Agent registrants in your browser.
* 1: Total number of indefinite employment and fixed-term employment of 4 months or more on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Human Resources Service Comprehensive Site" (FY2019 results) As of June 2020
* 2: Private jobs are private jobs that are not posted on the Internet, such as general job change sites, job change apps, and corporate homepages. These private jobs can only be introduced to those who have applied for the Career Change Agent Service.
■ Recruit Agent Official
■ Recruit agent registrant dedicated site
■ Help page
■ Operating company
Recruit Co., Ltd.
Dialogue is effective for changing jobs.
Talk to a career advisor who is a "professional in changing jobs" and realize what you wanted to do.
Recruit agent for changing jobs
About Recruit Agent
Recruit Agent is a job change support service operated and provided by Recruit.
No. 1 in job change support (* 1)
Since its establishment in 1977, a total of 540,000 people / person (* as of March 2020) have changed jobs through recruiting agents. (From the job change market fixed point survey)
The reason why Recruit Agent is No. 1 (* 1) in job change record
▷▷ Industry's largest, more than 100,000 private jobs (* as of August 2020) ◁◁
Approximately 50% (* as of August 2020) of the jobs held by Recruit Agent are private jobs (* 2).
▷▷ Career advisor with a proven track record ◁◁
Career advisors who are "professionals in changing jobs" who are familiar with each industry will carefully select and introduce jobs that meet the wishes and skills of our customers. One of the jobs of a career advisor is to find out the value of experience and qualifications that the customer is not aware of. We will objectively analyze your skills and experience, tell you about the current job change market, and tell you the strengths that you can utilize in your work.
▷▷ Full support service ◁◁
From correction of submitted documents such as resumes and resumes to interview measures, provision of industry / company information investigated and analyzed by Recruit Agent. A full support system is in place.
● Correction & advice of submitted documents
Career advisors will help you make the most of your strengths, such as guidance on how to write various documents such as work history, career sheet, resume, how to write sentences according to the company you are applying for, advice on points to appeal, etc. Let me do it.
● Thorough support up to interview measures
We will tell you about interview preparation information for each company, such as "the part that attracts attention in the interview" and "the tendency of hires". You can also participate in the "Interview Ability Improvement Seminar".
Interview skill improvement seminars are "reasons for changing jobs" and "self" from the interview winning method that "you will be able to talk about what the company wants to hire" and the understanding of the person image that the company wants, even in interview situations that tend to be tense. We will teach you all the success know-how necessary for changing jobs, including the scenario creation method in "PR".
● Providing unique industry / company information
Recruiting advisors create job vacancies and company reports based on the information actually collected through interviews with recruiters of companies, so recruiting agent-specific information that cannot be obtained only from ordinary recruiting sites can be obtained. It offers.
Recruiting / Job Change App Recruit Agent
From job search to application procedure and progress management, you can complete it with just one app. It is a job change app of Recruit Agent that supports your job change activity.
Recruit Agent Career Change App Features
▷▷ You can check the selection status of the applied job at any time ◁◁
You can check the progress of the job offer by dividing it into four statuses: applied, passed documents, interview selection, and informal decision. You can see the progress of multiple companies in a list, so you can see the progress of your career change activities at a glance.
▷▷ You can see emails from Recruit Agent on the app ◁◁
You can check all the emails sent from the system of your career advisor or recruiting agent on the app. You don't have to worry about missing a contact because you won't be confused or buried in emails from anyone other than Recruit Agent.
▷▷ Notification of new emails and new jobs by push notification ◁◁
We will notify you of new emails from Recruit Agent, saved search conditions, and new jobs that match your search history by push notification.
We will not miss a job that meets your needs or an application that will be introduced by your career advisor.
▷▷ You can create documents from your smartphone ◁◁
From the app, you can create and update work history and career sheets required for job change activities. Even if you are busy with your current job and have time, you can create documents using the gap time because there is a temporary storage function.
▷▷ Industry's largest, more than 100,000 private jobs (* as of August 2020) ◁◁
Of the job change sites and job change agent services, only recruit agents have more than 100,000 private jobs (* as of August 2020).
In addition to managing the progress of job changes, the app allows you to search for all jobs in Recruit Agent, including private jobs.
We will offer you the greatest potential from the largest jobs in the industry.
■ Desired conditions that can be searched
・ Occupations (sales, SE, IT engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, construction, real estate profession, business planning, business planning, business planning, etc.)
・ Work location (Tokyo, 23 wards, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, etc.)
・ Industry (Internet industry, human resources / education industry, media / advertising industry, consulting industry, etc.)
·annual income
·Final Education
・ Specific conditions (regular employees, holidays on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, no transfer, inexperienced occupation, inexperienced industry)
・ Keywords (company name, job name, job content)
■ Recommended for people like this!
・ Those who are uneasy about changing jobs for the first time
・ Those who do not know their own appeal points
・ Those who do not know the company that suits them
・ Those who are uneasy about aptitude tests and written tests
・ Those who are enrolled and cannot easily take time
・ Those who do not understand how to write resumes and resumes
・ Those who are not good at interviewing
・ Those who want to see a lot of private information
・ Those who have registered on the job change site / job change app but are having difficulty selecting
・ Those who want to find a job quickly with the app in the free time
・ Those who want to consult with a career advisor with a wealth of experience
・ Those who want correction of submitted documents and advice
・ Those who want to know information that cannot be obtained from recruitment websites, such as company reports.
[Service area]
Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Tochigi, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Okinawa
Metropolitan area, 23 wards, Kanto, Kansai, Tokai, Koshinetsu, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu
IT / communications industry, WEB / Internet industry, machinery / electrical industry, chemical / materials industry, trading company, logistics / transportation industry, retail / wholesale / service industry, travel / entertainment industry, media / advertising industry, human resources industry, consulting industry, Financial insurance industry, real estate / construction industry, medical / pharmaceutical industry, infrastructure, government offices, etc.
Sales / sales, management / planning / marketing, clerical work (accounting / general affairs / personnel / purchasing, etc.), IT / engineer, electrical / mechanical / scientific engineer, medical / pharmaceutical / cosmetics, consultant, construction / civil engineering technology, etc.
In addition, no overtime, inexperienced, office work, 20's, 30's, 40's, sales, home office work, apparel, English, full-time employee, graduate school graduate, university graduate, junior college graduate, real estate, electronic equipment, circuit design, electronic technology, etc.
We also have a lot of experience in supporting job changes for second-year graduates, venture companies, major companies, high careers, managers, technical staff, and engineers.
[Qualifications that can be used for recruiting]
TOEIC, Nissho Bookkeeping Level 2, Architect, Building Lots and Buildings Trader (Housing), Certified Accountant, Building Construction Management Engineer, Civil Engineering Construction Management Engineer, Electrical Construction Management Engineer, Pipe Construction Management Engineer, Chief Electrical Engineer, Building Equipment Architect, real estate appraiser, manager, etc.
■ Caution
You need a Personal Desktop account to use it.
If you have not yet registered for the Recruit Agent job change support service, please apply for the service from the Recruit Agent site.
After registration, we will send you your Personal Desktop account information by email.
Depending on your experience and request, we may not be able to provide the service.
If access is concentrated, communication may be temporarily lost.
If you cannot get or send information from the app, please access the Recruit Agent registrant-only site with your browser.
The app may transition to the browser recruiting agent registrant-only site ,,
In this case, some functions may not be available. note that.
Also, even if you are logged in with the app
Please note that you will need to log in again on the site dedicated to Recruit Agent registrants in your browser.
* 1: Total number of indefinite employment and fixed-term employment of 4 months or more on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Human Resources Service Comprehensive Site" (FY2019 results) As of June 2020
* 2: Private jobs are private jobs that are not posted on the Internet, such as general job change sites, job change apps, and corporate homepages. These private jobs can only be introduced to those who have applied for the Career Change Agent Service.
■ Recruit Agent Official
■ Recruit agent registrant dedicated site
■ Help page
■ Operating company
Recruit Co., Ltd.
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