This application is a pharmacist national exam preparation software. I can make very sure of knowledge in simple easy short time in ox form of problem format.
In addition, it is possible to be used in the log in to the network connection, you will be able to know the general correct answer rate (in all users). In the newly implemented low accuracy rate course was, it can be solved well to get more problematic especially mistake among all users like the problem that was solved from the server efficiency.
By all means, please take advantage as one of the pharmacist national exam.
Pretest pharmacy, you are using the Pretest pharmaceutical Lite and the same database, it is possible to be app purchase, you will be able to solve the 3000 questions more problems.
① test mode Basic allows you to select the three test mode
(1) daily test mode
This mode will quiz 10 questions to center the problem never been solved in the past. Is less than 100% achievement rate problem is I can and efficiently unravel in this mode.
(2) poor problem overcome course
I will be questions around the correct answer rate is low problem in the past. Please use also to overcome or confirmation of the wrong problem many times.
(3) genre selection course
From the field that will appear on the exam to the pharmacist national examination, it is the mode to unravel Select the field you want my solve. It is also possible to select multiple
(4) low accuracy rate course
In particular, many were problematic mistake and then carried out to obtain the (statistics from all users like) from the server.
At the end of the above test course, there is a review of the problem, the average accuracy rate of the user is displayed,
Degree of difficulty of the problem has become to be seen objectively and [during network login only]
② bookmark function
Save the problem that was worrisome in test mode, and then click Manage.
③ problem Search
I find the problem that contain specific words in the keyword search method. You can also search by multiple keywords by separating them with spaces
In addition, it is possible to be used in the log in to the network connection, you will be able to know the general correct answer rate (in all users). In the newly implemented low accuracy rate course was, it can be solved well to get more problematic especially mistake among all users like the problem that was solved from the server efficiency.
By all means, please take advantage as one of the pharmacist national exam.
Pretest pharmacy, you are using the Pretest pharmaceutical Lite and the same database, it is possible to be app purchase, you will be able to solve the 3000 questions more problems.
① test mode Basic allows you to select the three test mode
(1) daily test mode
This mode will quiz 10 questions to center the problem never been solved in the past. Is less than 100% achievement rate problem is I can and efficiently unravel in this mode.
(2) poor problem overcome course
I will be questions around the correct answer rate is low problem in the past. Please use also to overcome or confirmation of the wrong problem many times.
(3) genre selection course
From the field that will appear on the exam to the pharmacist national examination, it is the mode to unravel Select the field you want my solve. It is also possible to select multiple
(4) low accuracy rate course
In particular, many were problematic mistake and then carried out to obtain the (statistics from all users like) from the server.
At the end of the above test course, there is a review of the problem, the average accuracy rate of the user is displayed,
Degree of difficulty of the problem has become to be seen objectively and [during network login only]
② bookmark function
Save the problem that was worrisome in test mode, and then click Manage.
③ problem Search
I find the problem that contain specific words in the keyword search method. You can also search by multiple keywords by separating them with spaces
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