Use the arrow keys to move the cube to match the color of the colored ground and the bottom of the cube.
If color matched raises the score and increases the combo count.
The combo count will disappear if you do not erase the ground within a certain time.
As the combo goes up, the amount of increase in score goes up, and when it gets above a certain score Level goes up, the level goes up and the amount of score rise increases.
In addition, black ground appears with a certain probability when time goes out or the ground is extinguished.
Black ground can not move.
・ TimeUP object
When you erase the ground, a Time up object may appear, touching it,
The remaining time is 3 seconds plus.
TImeUp objects have more combos, which increases their probability.
・ GameOver
When the remaining time displayed in the upper right of the screen reaches 0, it becomes gameover.
If color matched raises the score and increases the combo count.
The combo count will disappear if you do not erase the ground within a certain time.
As the combo goes up, the amount of increase in score goes up, and when it gets above a certain score Level goes up, the level goes up and the amount of score rise increases.
In addition, black ground appears with a certain probability when time goes out or the ground is extinguished.
Black ground can not move.
・ TimeUP object
When you erase the ground, a Time up object may appear, touching it,
The remaining time is 3 seconds plus.
TImeUp objects have more combos, which increases their probability.
・ GameOver
When the remaining time displayed in the upper right of the screen reaches 0, it becomes gameover.
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