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SOHO Nishikawa
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About パチ収支

The calendar screen is displayed immediately after startup. To enter the balance, select the date and start the input screen from the pencil icon button at the bottom right of the screen. (You can also open the balance input screen by pressing and holding the date.)
Other functions are called from the menu. The menu can be accessed by swiping from the left edge of the screen to the right or by pressing the three-line button on the upper left of the screen.

●Calendar screen
This is the first screen to start up. From here, select a date and enter the balance.
You can enter multiple incomes and expenditures per day, and the daily income and expenditure data will be listed under the calendar.
Monthly balance, hourly wage, and operating hours are automatically calculated and displayed at the top of the calendar.
Also, if you tap a date for which no income/expenditure data has been entered, a daily income/expenditure graph will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to check at a glance the increase/decrease in income/expenditure for that month.

●Balance input screen
Enter the investment amount, redemption amount, store, model, memo, and operating hours.
Working hours are used for hourly wage calculations and can be viewed from various other screens.
*The store, model, memo, and operating hours are not required, so you can enter only the investment/redemption amount.
*The selection list of stores and models can be sorted and displayed according to various conditions, such as the order of registration and the order of most recently used, so you can quickly select.
* The operating time is automatically calculated by entering the start time and end time using the current time of the mobile phone.
You can start the Seg app of the selected model from the [Seg] button.
* To jump to the segment information of the selected model, it is necessary to set the association with the segment application on the model information screen. If the association is not set, the top screen of the Segu app will start.

●Model list
Register pachinko and slot machine model information.
If you press and hold in the list, you can search Google using the model name as a search keyword.
* You can also obtain the model name from the Internet by clicking the "Web search" button, so it is also recommended for those who have trouble entering it. (Only 50 new arrivals can be viewed in the free version)

●Store list
Register store information.
If you press and hold the store name in the list, you can search Google and map using the store name as a search keyword.
*If you enter the address in advance, you will be able to search the map using the address as a keyword.

● List display screen
You can check the entered income and expenditure data in a list format. You can go back and forth from the button on the upper right of the calendar screen.
On this screen, you can narrow down the income and expenditure data by various conditions (year/month, store, model, characters in the memo), and you can aggregate the income and expenditure, hourly wage, and operating hours under the narrowed down conditions.
You can also open the menu from this screen.

● Analysis screen
Summarize income and expenditure data under various conditions and display it in a bar graph.
You can compare income and expenditure, hourly wage, operating hours, investment amount, and conversion amount by specifying the year and month for each store and model.
If you tap the displayed bar graph, a more detailed breakdown will pop up.
* In the free version, you can only compare income and expenditure by model for the current month.

●Data backup/reading
Data can be backed up to an SD card or internal storage. Data can be restored by reading backed up data.
As a result, data can be taken over even when the mobile phone model is changed.
*The free version can only save, but cannot read. You can take over the saved data by reading it from the paid version, so if you want to take over the data when you change the model of your device, please use the paid version.
* Please select "Internal storage" as the save destination as much as possible. Please note that the save destination of the external storage (SD card) will be automatically deleted by the system when you uninstall the app.

-CSV output *Paid version only
Data can be output to an SD card in CSV file format.
It is also possible to import and use Excel from a computer.
*This function is for output only. Please note that restoration from a csv file is not possible.

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