Located in Mobara "Sports Plaza East", the city's largest pool and studio boasts a 25m × 7 courses, training gym, etc. of enhancement prepared your many latest machine, is a sport club where facility are substantial.
Kids School also offers a swimming and HIPHOP dance school.
Movement person also the first time weak Sports Club, staff will kindly, carefully support, please rest assured!
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● This app displays the latest information using the Internet communication.
Kids School also offers a swimming and HIPHOP dance school.
Movement person also the first time weak Sports Club, staff will kindly, carefully support, please rest assured!
In this app, you deal services of various information and application user limit of "Sports Plaza East" is to come!
and [can be]
● the latest information (news) will receive from the "Sports Plaza East".
● by collecting stamps, and going to receive a Best Offer!
● we will deliver the deals coupons coupons and app user limited delivery to reach the month of birthday.
● From the menu, you can check the service (product) content!
● those birthday coupon above to be delivered to the birth Sun Moon, will not be issued at the time of application installation. (In order to receive a coupon, any birthday input is required on the user side)
● This app displays the latest information using the Internet communication.
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