MYにゅーす ( 無料で新聞、雑誌が読める | ニュースアプ icon

MYにゅーす ( 無料で新聞、雑誌が読める | ニュースアプ

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About MYにゅーす ( 無料で新聞、雑誌が読める | ニュースアプ

All-you-can-read newspapers, magazines, etc. for free
It covers everything from major news such as sports, politics, and economy to entertainment and fun news.
It's a simple news app.
The category tabs can be rearranged and themes can be changed!
You can browse the news quickly from the widget

▼ Operation method
■ Initial setting
1. Select a subscription category
1-1. Select "Category Settings" from the menu on the upper left
1-2. Select the checkbox of the category you want to subscribe to
* Sort by dragging and dropping the icon on the right side.
2. Addition of subscription channel
2-1. Select "Subscription Settings" from the menu on the upper left
2-2. Select the check box of the channel you want to subscribe to
■ Initial setting (addition of widget)
1-1. Long tap (long press) on the home screen
1-2. Tap "Widget" from the home edit screen
1-3. Select an app from the displayed widget list
Note) Addition of widget depends on the home application.

■ How to read articles
1. Tap any article
2. After tapping, swipe sideways with the information that opened the article
* If the article is not updated, tap the update button icon from the menu on the upper left.

▼ Main functions
■ Sorting categories and switching between display and non-display
■ ON / OFF of subscription channel
■ Widget
■ Offline display after article acquisition
■ Turn on / off the unread badge of the article, read it later
■ Supports changes in color theme and font size

▼ Category list
Sports synthesis, society, politics, economy, international, science, stocks / investment, entertainment, region, column, summary, soccer, J League
Baseball, professional baseball, rugby, tennis, golf, athletics, martial arts, volleyball,
Figures, swimming, gymnastics, table tennis, basketball, horse racing, DIY / interior, pets, life, business, cars, movies, stories, meshi, gadgets

▼ Subscription list
Sankei Sports, Sports Hochi, Sponichi Annex, TV Tokyo Sports, East Sports Web, Nikkan Sports, Nikkan Gendai DIGITAL, NHK News, J SPORTS, THE ANSWER, Sanspo Com, Nikkan Sports Com, Baseball King, zakzak, Gexaka, SOCCER KING, SOCCER DIGEST Web, footballista, Football Channel, Rugby Republic, Everyone's Golf Digest, Volleyball Magazine, Basket Count, Basketball King, Number Web, What J PRIDE, Daily Yakiu Bulletin @ Baseball Summary, Football Bulletin, Summary Taro !! What J, Yahoo! News, Sankei Shimbun, Nishinihon Shimbun, DIYer (s), TABROOM, Diamond Zai, Shinchosha Foresight, News Week Japan Version, Money Post WEB, Weekly Baseball ONLINE, Baseball Channel, web Sportiva, Tennis Magazine ONLINE, Entertainment OVO, The Television, Weekly Women PRIME, otoCoto, Real Sound, Evening Fuji, Game Spark, Inu no Kimochi WEB MAGAZINE, Neko no Kimochi WEB MAGAZINE,, Movie Natalie, Pia Movie Life, J-CAST News, FNN PRIME, withnews, News Sokura, BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN, EE Times Japan, MONOist, CNS,, New Switch, Money Master, MONEYzine, SankeiBiz, Okinawa Times, Hokkaido Newspaper, Huff Post Japan Edition, West Japan Sports, GOAL,, Efight, WEB CARTOP, Best Car Web, Hyundai Business, Coach A, JBpress, Toyo Keizai Online, Japan Human Resources Department, HARBOR BUSINESS Online, Business + IT, OurAge, ananweb, Women's Health, CREA WEB, Women's SPA! ,,, Let's Love News, Tamahiyo ONLINE, PHP Family, Political Mountain, goo, VIP Wide Guide, Celebrity Anxious Rumors, Serious Bulletin, Time-killing News, Need AtoZ, New Speed Quality, Mainichi Shimbun, Life Hacker, Netorabo, Ise Shimbun, Iwate Daily, Ehime Shimbun ONLINE, Kanagawa Shimbun, Kita Nihon Shimbun, Gifu Shimbun Web, Saitama Shimbun, Shimono Shimbun SOON, Tokachi Mainichi Shimbun, Ryotan Nihon Shimbun, Izu Shimbun , Ibaraki Shimbun Cross Eye, Ube Daily, Okinawa Times, Saga Shimbun, Sanyo Shimbun Digital, Kamige Shimbun, Chiba Daily Online, Daily Tohoku Shimbun, Tokushima Shimbun, Tomakomai Minpo, Nagano Daily, Nankai Nihon Shimbun, Nihon Agricultural Shimbun , Hakodate Shimbun electronic version, Fukushima folk newsletter, Miyazaki Nihon Shimbun, Gizmode Japan, Engadget Japanese version, market conditions Kabu full power 2 stories

MYにゅーす ( 無料で新聞、雑誌が読める | ニュースアプ Screenshots