For long-term care facilities begin to improve right now, is the improvement platform
Securing human resources and management improvement, the best hand of accident prevention, etc., to the challenges of long-term care facilities across the range is the business improvement.
Let's taken a step of PDCA for improvement in NuApp.
Long-term care facilities such as TokuYo and Roken, or carried out in the smartphone care record,
By sharing user information,
Efficiency and service improvement of the field work, is an application to support the human resources fixation.
Click here for details
NuApp is a cloud service that can be used in the charge of each monthly users.
Until the month after next at the end of account creation is available free trial available.
Since it is not to be automatically charged, please try us.
Other in-app billing, you can sign up for paid plan also from the following URL.
Contact Us
URL of the PC version is as follows.
Securing human resources and management improvement, the best hand of accident prevention, etc., to the challenges of long-term care facilities across the range is the business improvement.
Let's taken a step of PDCA for improvement in NuApp.
Long-term care facilities such as TokuYo and Roken, or carried out in the smartphone care record,
By sharing user information,
Efficiency and service improvement of the field work, is an application to support the human resources fixation.
Click here for details
NuApp is a cloud service that can be used in the charge of each monthly users.
Until the month after next at the end of account creation is available free trial available.
Since it is not to be automatically charged, please try us.
Other in-app billing, you can sign up for paid plan also from the following URL.
Contact Us
URL of the PC version is as follows.
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