Enjoy the best picture quotes as well as jokes and funny puns to help you get inspired by our daily motivational quotes and enjoy daily laughs. You will find clean jokes and puns for kids and the whole family to enjoy and laugh at as well as jokes for adults. All of our quotes come with a custom made picture quote that you can easily share with all your friends on all social media platforms. All together we have over 10,000 jokes and quotes spanning over 400 categories to choose from.
What makes our quotes and jokes app unique is that you can choose exactly what kind of notifications you would like. You can choose to get notified by exactly the categories you have selected for both quotes and sayings as well as jokes and puns. Even better yet you can choose exactly what time of the day you would like to receive a daily quote and daily joke.
On our website, we also have a picture quote creator and meme generator. Super simple and easy to use.
Please feel free to message us for any topics you would like us to add in the future and anyways you feel like we can improve our app.
What makes our quotes and jokes app unique is that you can choose exactly what kind of notifications you would like. You can choose to get notified by exactly the categories you have selected for both quotes and sayings as well as jokes and puns. Even better yet you can choose exactly what time of the day you would like to receive a daily quote and daily joke.
On our website, we also have a picture quote creator and meme generator. Super simple and easy to use.
Please feel free to message us for any topics you would like us to add in the future and anyways you feel like we can improve our app.
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