Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37 (KJV)
The KJV Bible is the oldest translation of the Bible. The King James Version (KJV) has since been translated to other major languages as well. It is currently one of the most popular version of the Bible with the availability of KJV Bible free download enhancing its circulation.
God's every word is Spirit and life and it is released into any hearer who takes the time to pay attention to it. Word of God is alive and powerful and has everything one would ever need because it is what He thinks and wills. Receive every word of God by faith and watch how life will unfold for you. Enjoy reading the word of God and be built up.
The king james version’s translation and publication was completed in 1611. The translation that took years saw the English Bible made available to Christians.
Popularity of both the print and KJV Bible free download version does not mean that the version has escaped criticism. A lot of people find it difficult to believe it is the word of God. As Christians, we know the Holy Spirit Testifies to us.
KJV Bible is the best choice if you are looking for a Bible that is close to the original Bible. KJV offline bible allows find all the names and verses as well as chapters in the KJV translation without the need of internet. This means that the text of the KJV Bible is completely offline. .
Enjoy reading your KJV Bible offline and if need be the audio online which reads with a normal human voices
Here are the main features of this king james bible version
1.Daily Bible Verse
Get an encouraging Bible verse to start your day with
2.Highlights of this Bible
You can highlight several Bible verses are you read through the scriptures.
You can bookmark your favorite scriptures and have access to them on the slide menu
4.Font Adjustment
Choose the font sizes by using your two fingers on the screen.
5.Offline Bible
Besides the audio mp3, almost all features in KJV Bible can be accessed without internet connection.
2. Chapter Reading plans
Read a chapter a day from the KJV Bible and meditate on it day and night.
Share KJV with your friends.
1.You can easily share the Bible verses on Facebook, Twitter etc..
KJV Bible is food for the soul. Let the word grow in and through you. Let God’s word come alive in you in Jesus name.
NB: King James Bible (Free) in public domain. In the UK some restrictions apply.
The KJV Bible is the oldest translation of the Bible. The King James Version (KJV) has since been translated to other major languages as well. It is currently one of the most popular version of the Bible with the availability of KJV Bible free download enhancing its circulation.
God's every word is Spirit and life and it is released into any hearer who takes the time to pay attention to it. Word of God is alive and powerful and has everything one would ever need because it is what He thinks and wills. Receive every word of God by faith and watch how life will unfold for you. Enjoy reading the word of God and be built up.
The king james version’s translation and publication was completed in 1611. The translation that took years saw the English Bible made available to Christians.
Popularity of both the print and KJV Bible free download version does not mean that the version has escaped criticism. A lot of people find it difficult to believe it is the word of God. As Christians, we know the Holy Spirit Testifies to us.
KJV Bible is the best choice if you are looking for a Bible that is close to the original Bible. KJV offline bible allows find all the names and verses as well as chapters in the KJV translation without the need of internet. This means that the text of the KJV Bible is completely offline. .
Enjoy reading your KJV Bible offline and if need be the audio online which reads with a normal human voices
Here are the main features of this king james bible version
1.Daily Bible Verse
Get an encouraging Bible verse to start your day with
2.Highlights of this Bible
You can highlight several Bible verses are you read through the scriptures.
You can bookmark your favorite scriptures and have access to them on the slide menu
4.Font Adjustment
Choose the font sizes by using your two fingers on the screen.
5.Offline Bible
Besides the audio mp3, almost all features in KJV Bible can be accessed without internet connection.
2. Chapter Reading plans
Read a chapter a day from the KJV Bible and meditate on it day and night.
Share KJV with your friends.
1.You can easily share the Bible verses on Facebook, Twitter etc..
KJV Bible is food for the soul. Let the word grow in and through you. Let God’s word come alive in you in Jesus name.
NB: King James Bible (Free) in public domain. In the UK some restrictions apply.
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