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NY All Laws 2022

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Constitution of the State of New York
Abandoned Property Law - ABP
Agriculture and Markets Law - AGM
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law - ABC
Alternative County Government Law - ACG
Arts and Cultural Affairs Law - ACA
Banking Law - BNK
Benevolent Orders Law - BVO
Business Corporation Law - BSC
Canal Law - CAL
Civil Practice Law and Rules - CVP
Civil Rights Law - CVR
Civil Service Law - CVS
Cooperative Corporations Law - CCO
Correction Law - COR
County Law - CNT
Criminal Procedure Law - CPL
Debtor and Creditor Law - DCD
Domestic Relations Law - DOM
Economic Development Law - COM
Education Law - EDN
Eminent Domain Procedure Law - EDP
Elder Law - ELD
Election Law - ELN
Energy Law - ENG
Environmental Conservation Law - ENV
Employers' Liability Law - EML
Estates, Powers and Trusts Law - EPT
Executive Law - EXC
Financial Services Law - FIS
General Associations Law - GAS
General Business Law - GBS
General City Law - GCT
General Construction Law - GCN
General Municipal Law - GMU
General Obligations Law - GOB
Highway Law - HAY
Indian Law - IND
Insurance Law - ISC
Judiciary Law - JUD
Labor Law - LAB
Legislative Law - LEG
Lien Law - LIE
Limited Liability Company Law - LLC
Local Finance Law - LFN
Mental Hygiene Law - MHY
Military Law - MIL
Multiple Dwelling Law - MDW
Multiple Residence Law - MRE
Municipal Home Rule Law - MHR
Statute of Local Governments - SLG
Navigation Law - NAV
Not-For-Profit Corporation Law - NPC
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law - PAR
Partnership Law - PTR
Penal Law - PEN
Personal Property Law - PEP
Private Housing Finance Law - PVH
Public Authorities Law - PBA
Public Buildings Law - PBB
Public Health Law - PBH
Public Housing Law - PBG
Public Lands Law - PBL
Public Officers Law - PBO
Public Service Law - PBS
Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law - PML
Railroad Law - RRD
Rapid Transit Law - RAT
Real Property Law - RPP
Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law - RPA
Real Property Tax Law - RPT
Religious Corporations Law - RCO
Retirement and Social Security Law - RSS
Rural Electric Cooperative Law - REL
Second Class Cities Law - SCC
Social Services Law - SOS
Soil and Water Conservation Districts Law - SWC
State Finance Law - STF
State Law - STL
State Administrative Procedure Act - SAP
New York State Printing and Public Documents Law - PPD
State Technology Law - STT
Tax Law - TAX
Town Law - TWN
Transportation Law - TRA
Transportation Corporations Law - TCP
Uniform Commercial Code - UCC
Vehicle and Traffic Law - VAT

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