[Fish] Certified Real Estate Agent Learning Planner application is an app that helps you pass the Certified Real Estate Agent Certification Exam by setting the study target time for the first and second subjects in preparation for the Certified Real Estate Agent certification exam, recording and saving the study time, and managing the target achievement rate.
[learning subject]
- 1st course
1) Introduction to Real Estate Studies
2) Civil law, special civil law
- 2nd subject
3) Real Estate Broker Act
4) Real Estate Public Law
5) Real Estate Disclosure Act
6) Real Estate Tax Law
* home
- You can see the target time and learning time of the set subject at a glance, and you can see the achievement rate for each subject and the overall achievement rate.
- You can save your study time using the timer.
* calendar
- You can check the study records saved by the real estate agent on a calendar by day, and if you select the corresponding day, you can check the amount of study by subject for each day.
* setting
- You can set subjects to prepare for the exam.
- You can select subjects by selecting the 1st, 2nd, or the same car to prepare for the real estate agent exam.
- You can easily adjust the target learning time per subject by real estate agent.
* Mini game - You can easily use the same card matching game.
[Guidance on access rights]
• Required Access Rights
- doesn't exist
• Optional access rights
- doesn't exist
* The information is stored in the in-app database, and no information is collected to the server.
* [Fish] Licensed Realtor Learning Planner can use all services free of charge.
Coding Fish : https://www.codingfish.co.kr
Design (image) source: https://www.flaticon.com
EMAIL: threefish79@gmail.com
Thank you for your use and I wish you success in becoming a real estate agent.
thank you
[learning subject]
- 1st course
1) Introduction to Real Estate Studies
2) Civil law, special civil law
- 2nd subject
3) Real Estate Broker Act
4) Real Estate Public Law
5) Real Estate Disclosure Act
6) Real Estate Tax Law
* home
- You can see the target time and learning time of the set subject at a glance, and you can see the achievement rate for each subject and the overall achievement rate.
- You can save your study time using the timer.
* calendar
- You can check the study records saved by the real estate agent on a calendar by day, and if you select the corresponding day, you can check the amount of study by subject for each day.
* setting
- You can set subjects to prepare for the exam.
- You can select subjects by selecting the 1st, 2nd, or the same car to prepare for the real estate agent exam.
- You can easily adjust the target learning time per subject by real estate agent.
* Mini game - You can easily use the same card matching game.
[Guidance on access rights]
• Required Access Rights
- doesn't exist
• Optional access rights
- doesn't exist
* The information is stored in the in-app database, and no information is collected to the server.
* [Fish] Licensed Realtor Learning Planner can use all services free of charge.
Coding Fish : https://www.codingfish.co.kr
Design (image) source: https://www.flaticon.com
EMAIL: threefish79@gmail.com
Thank you for your use and I wish you success in becoming a real estate agent.
thank you
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