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About 출결버스

Smart attendance management, will help to "Attendance bus".

[Parents Equal One relieved SMS, Attendance bus;

- Aboriginal, attendance, courses, instructors, storage management, and provides a systematic school management platform.
- Fingerprint reader, security cards and expensive equipment Attendance is NO!
- If you are holding a smartphone or tablet, but YES!
- Attendance Attendance can be treated as a simple bus app!
- N-Screen-based tablet PC ↔ ↔ Manager page linked smartphones available!

[Attendance bus App]

Attendance bus offers apps for Android.
Smartphone, freely available for Android tablets.

 1. Attendance input provided on the screen
   : Enter the preset number when student attendance
     Real-time relief letter is sent to the parent.

   - Attendance number can be set to 4-6 position.
   - A common input of the smart phone without a keypad.
   - Equal original letter sent to the parent.

 2. The attendance list provides status
   : Status of the Student attendance today Name +, etc., to provide time to the House.

    - Student names, etc., provide a list of House time.
    - Check the attendance status at a glance.

[Attendance CardBus PC Administrator page]

By admin page (www.checkbus.co.kr/admin) Attendance of the bus
Primeval, attendance, courses, instructors, storage management, you can manage the whole school.

 1. Primeval management
   : Students can register directly to the garden, to verify basic information / attendance / storage history easily.
     Bus Attendance Standard - register up to 30 people.
     Attendance bus Premium - Unlimited aboriginal registration.

 2. Consulting Management
   : Managing history by entering a journal for each student counseling.
     After consulting the substrate processing requirements.

 3. Attendance Management
   : Managing the calendar Attendance situation.
     Confirm attendance and non-attendance by date.
     Attendees of date / time verify the House of Representatives.

 4. Storage Management
   : Set the date aboriginal-specific storage, storage subscription receipts output.
     City guides provide unpaid fees character transfer function non-payment.

 5. The school administration
   : Instructor information, course opening, SMS text transmission history management, etc.
     The overall school management capabilities.

Smart School Management "Attendance bus" that will take the initiative.

* Attendance bus, we recommend the use of Android 4.0 and above.

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