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Hello? This time, South Korea Gospel Book was released to the dealing with the history and revelation contained in the Lord's recovery of its history and revelation (上) applications.

History and Revelation (the) image is Witness Lee has a collection of messages that had when he led volunteer training meeting of the Church in Asia in November 1981 in Hong Kong and Taipei. Sangpyeon is second to Chapter 14 from Chapter 1, will secure in Hong Kong, hapyeon is from Chapter 15 to Chapter 28, you have around in Taipei.

History and Revelation (the) images Witness Lee said in November 1981, the history of the Lord's recovery by collecting them gave the message from 1921 until 1981, when Hong Kong and Taipei have led volunteer training meeting of the Church in Asia It covers.

Throughout history, the spring of the importance of revelation

Witness Lee spoke this about the history and revelation.

"We want to say a historical fact, not to speak of the past, or old stories here. Our burden is to see the importance of revelation through historical awareness of our revelation. In addition, we want to do that through this revealing historical facts confirmed by one step stages. This is what you truly value. "

Preface Chapter 1 - Overview of the Lord's recovery
Chapter 2 of the Lord moves in China
Chapter 3 begins the Lord's recovery in China
Chapter 4 testimony of early recovery
Chapter 5, to thwart the Lord's recovery, opinions about doctrine
Chapter 6 of the revival in the church's expansion and Yantai
CHAPTER 7 Recovery of the truth that "Christ is the Spirit sim '
Chapter 8 after (戰後) revival of the country church
Chapter 9 pure revelation of the Triune God
Chapter 10. Changes in training and in the guring City State
Chapter 11 The Lord's recovery of the country in Southeast Asia
Chapter 12 The Lord's testimony in Hong Kong
Chapter 13. Defense and security in the Lord's recovery
Chapter 14 reveals gained from the past 60 years the Lord

Recovery walked vibrant footsteps

Since history and the revelation (the) images are apostles, syeotneunji how God hasyeotneunji one recover the gem of truth, which had been his loss of just how God watches in the Chinese mainland virgin soil since 1921 you of the history of the Church get the brother, through his co-workers of brother witness Lee's migration to Taiwan, the revival of Taiwan, then Southeast Asia, was how the recovery spread to East Asia countries, but also vivid stories true evidence of the gold lampstand raised on several continents, including North America, South America, and vividly demonstrates the footsteps. In addition, the footage is the rich truths that God has shown in the recovery history, and gives heard the processes to preserve the truth, precious lessons with the precious lessons learned through many takes that caused the enemies in the history of the recovery over the past 60 years have indeed the lessons can not buy gold billionaire.

What this means is that the recovery was inherent to regain lost again. Martin Luther is the person that caused the Reformation. Without truth that he is the priest who received the truth, and nine won justified by faith to serve God is to be the length would have been recovered. There are, as Luther when each one of the restored truth requires a lot of consideration. Thus, many developed within the Lord's recovery are paying a bloody price to have walked in the way of the Lord's recovery. Not only in the history of the early church developed. Revelation of God in the history of the past 60 years show recovery are too valuable things. These people want to know about the history of restoration, or to have came there way to long for those who want to know what the recovery or the age of young people who are prepared to go the way of the recovery images are to those who serve the Lord. I believe that living would be useful guidelines for those who want to go the way of the histories and recovery.

Korea Gospel Book Dream

Developer Contact:
Phone: + 82-02-1600-3191
Address: 610 beongil 5 to Republic of Korea Gyeonggi Province Seongnam Pangyo (Yatap-dong)
Email: kgbr@kgbr.co.kr
Representative Number: 1600-3191

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