This is an in-house notification app program used by NSM Co., Ltd.
This app is a free app that can only be used by employees of NSM Co., Ltd., and has the function to receive an alarm by dividing the main information message into upper, middle, and lower grades, and to check the details of the alarm message.
Employees who use the app do not need an account and can receive messages only after sending a request to the sender (channel) they want to receive and receiving approval from the sender.
This app is a free app that can only be used by employees of NSM Co., Ltd., and has the function to receive an alarm by dividing the main information message into upper, middle, and lower grades, and to check the details of the alarm message.
Employees who use the app do not need an account and can receive messages only after sending a request to the sender (channel) they want to receive and receiving approval from the sender.
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