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About 운세 상담전문 사주 타로 신점 작명 부적 - 신통

Shintong is also free to use the Saju solution and tarot service provided in 50 texts quickly and neatly without advertisements, and you can download the spiritual amulet specially created by the famous white flag shaman only for Shintong members for free for 100 days. .

I will repay you with stability and happiness by extinguishing the misfortune and anger of the members and holding on to the road and blessing.
May you only walk on the flower path!

♣ Shintong is the most elite group related to fortune-telling, such as telephone fortune-telling consultation, amulet production, naming, feng shui, tarot lectures, four weeks lectures, and text fortune-telling.

♣ Types of clairvoyant studies related to phone fortune-telling counseling
Types of divination based on Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Gwae, and Saju - Japyeong Myeongri Saju, Dangsaju, Tojeongbigyeol Saju, Kimun Saju, Yukhyo, Yukim Saju, Kimunduungap, Dansi, Guseonghak, Azimuth, Taeeul, Cheonbugyeong, Myeongseonghak, and divination by looking at the stars Zami Doo Su playing

♣ Types of Tarot Studies related to Tarot Counseling
Traditionally, there are modern tarot and classic tarot, as well as fusion type pettaro, myeongtaro, main character tarot, sajutaro, youngtaro, newtaro, etc.

♣ Types of new stores related to new store counseling
Beauty new store, iron store new store, new store new store, new store new store, new store new store, new store new store, new store new store, new store new store, zero new store consultation, new store consultation, new store consultation, new store consultation, new store consultation, new store consultation, mixed store new store consultation, post new store Counseling, sound hearing method new store consultation, myeongwoon method new store consultation, single vision method new store consultation, dream method new store consultation, etc.

♣ Shintong products
Telephone fortune-telling consultation product, chat fortune-telling consultation product, subscription fortune-telling consultation product, amulet product, text free fortune-telling, fortune-telling lecture, tarot lecture, naming product

♣ Telephone fortune counseling product
Telephone fortune teller consultation, telephone tarot consultation, telephone new store consultation, telephone naming consultation, telephone contemplation consultation, telephone feng shui consultation, telephone amulet consultation

♣ Chat horoscope consultation product
Chat four weeks counseling, chat tarot counseling, chat new store counseling, chat naming counseling, chat contemplative counseling, chat feng shui counseling

♣ Subscription fortune counseling product
There are methods such as subscription to four weeks counseling, subscription to tarot counseling, and subscription to new store counseling.

♣ Fortune telling products
The Saju lecture, the Tarot lecture, the Coronary lecture, the Feng Shui lecture

♣ Major Topics of Telephone Consultation
New Year's horoscope, land maintenance secret fortune, Samjae fortune, Samjae pool four weeks counseling, life luck four weeks counseling, government fortune counseling, future luck four weeks counseling, grand luck four weeks counseling, set-up four weeks counseling, business luck four weeks counseling, wealth luck four weeks counseling, entrepreneurship luck phone four weeks counseling , trading fortune phone counseling, job luck phone counseling, career luck phone counseling, investment luck phone counseling, test luck phone counseling, pass luck phone counseling, study fortune, married couple luck phone fortune counseling, children's fortune phone fortune counseling, Hyeong-woon phone fortune counseling, travel fortune phone fortune counseling, Gu Seol-woon phone fortune counseling, So-won fortune phone fortune counseling, employment fortune, compatibility fortune, marriage fortune, love fortune, pregnancy fortune, marital compatibility, inner compatibility, dream interpretation, plastic surgery fortune, Choice fortune, naming fortune, contemplative fortune, today's fortune, love fortune, separation fortune, divorce fortune, birth fortune, etc.

♣ Main topics of telephone tarot counseling
Heart tarot, love tarot, breakup tarot, reunion tarot, thumb tarot, marriage tarot, marital compatibility tarot, secret love tarot, success tarot counseling, wealth tarot counseling, plastic surgery tarot counseling, love tarot counseling, Clairvoyance tarot counseling, reconciliation tarot counseling, false tarot counseling, green light phone tarot counseling, interview phone tarot counseling, part-time job phone tarot counseling, future plan tarot counseling, meeting tarot counseling, money flow tarot counseling, lingering tarot counseling, choice tarot counseling , New year tarot counseling, monthly tarot counseling, today's fortune tarot counseling, today's love fortune tarot counseling, fruit tarot counseling, future love luck tarot counseling, relationship tarot counseling, marriage luck tarot counseling, money fortune tarot counseling, etc.

♣ Telephone new store counseling (shaman) main topics
Fortune telephone new store consultation, Shinshu telephone new store consultation, short-sighted telephone new store consultation, jeolchoo branch, Kwansong telephone store consultation, alternative telephone new store consultation, Guanun telephone new store consultation, physical telephone new store consultation, centrifugal telephone new store consultation

♣ Amulet product types (total 1,237 types)
• Affection amulets (22 types) – Relationship amulets, gender harmony amulets, horn amulets, separation amulets, separation amulets, separation amulets, etc.
• Married couple, offspring amulets (51 types) – couple offspring harmony amulets, harmony amulets, couple harm amulets, love amulets, etc.
• Wish, Mansa Daegil Amulet (37 types) – Wish fulfillment amulet, Wish amulet, Mansa Daegil amulet, etc.
• Home safety amulets (45 types) – disaster prevention amulets, value prevention amulets, etc.
• Office, property amulets (37 types) – resonance amulets, passing amulets, etc.
• Disaster Prevention Amulets (50 types) – Three disaster annihilation amulets, disaster prevention amulets, accident prevention amulets, etc.
• Saju saju talisman (63 types) – talisman to prevent sabotage, amulet to kill white tiger, talisman to kill children, etc.
• Amulets related to dreams (18 types) – Nightmare Repelling Amulets, Qingdream Talismans, etc.
• Disease amulets (28 types) – Disease annihilation amulets, panacea cure amulets, etc.
• Travel safety amulets (17 types) – Travel amulets, etc.
• Frozen land, negative amulets (46 types) – frozen soil amulets, earth amulets, etc.
• Evil spirit and magic charms (38 types)
• Sunshin protection amulet (8 types) – Geumgang amulet, self-defense amulet, etc.
• Religious customs amulets (27 types) – Amulets for the destruction of sins, feng shui amulets, etc.
• Livestock, appendix anatomy (43 types) – Livestock peace amulet, cold treatment amulet, etc.
• Trading and moving talismans (30 types) – moving talismans, moving fortune talismans, trading talismans, solicitation talismans, etc.
• Business, property, wealth talisman (53 types) – business opening talisman, failure prevention talisman, repeat talisman, etc.
• Other illegal amulets (20 types) – winning amulets, women’s amulets, etc.
• Cheongi Special Comprehensive Amulet (238 types) – Samdu Iljok Samjae Amulet, Affectionate Amulet, Amulet for Separating Men and Women, Aksamjae Disappearance Amulet, Easy Childbirth Amulet, Boksamjae Amulet, etc.

♣ 28 types of Saju products provided in text
Today's horoscope (iljin), blood type horoscope, blood type compatibility, horoscope horoscope, horoscope compatibility, K-star horoscope, compatibility with K-star, zodiac sign horoscope, name resolution, earth correction secret, lifetime total luck, health luck, love luck, wealth luck, personality career path, Family luck, interpersonal relationship, work luck, academic luck, employment luck, marriage luck, child luck, first year luck, middle age luck, old age luck, travel luck, retirement preparation, lucky number

♣ 3,881 dream interpretation products
I'm still not sure about the definition of a dream. However, in “Spiritual Tradition”, 3,881 types of representative dreams are organized and provided free of charge in order to give some peace of mind to the doubts about what they mean after having a dream. Please refer to it for fun because it is scientific proof or information that has not been confirmed in practice.

• People's dreams (164 items) - Married couple's dreams, babies, family, soldiers, people in power, etc.
• Action dreams (190) - Test dreams, moving, death, childbirth, marriage, etc.
• Place dream (875 items) - Road dream, school, hospital, home, shop, etc.
• Animal dreams (885 items) - Cow dreams, pigs, dogs, cats, fish, etc.
• Body dreams (483 items) - face dreams, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.
• Object dreams (434 items) - Jewelry dreams, books, clothes, mirrors, ropes, etc.
• Natural dreams (722 items) - River dream, mountain, sky, cave, land, etc.
• Divine Existence Dreams (128) - Bodhisattva dreams, ghosts, spirits, gods, etc.

♣ 193 Dream Interpretations
• Prenatal dreams of people (66) – Pregnant women’s prenatal dreams, presidents, monks, people, babies, etc.
• Food Prenatal Dream (9) – Sweet Potato Prenatal Dream, Potato, Eggplant, Cherry, Jujube, etc.
• Buildings (19) – palaces, temples, tombs, ponds, houses, etc.
• Animal prenatal dream (14) – pig prenatal dream, bird, snake, turtle, chicken, etc.
• Plant Prenatal Dream (22) – Pepper Prenatal Dream, Jujube, Flowers, Trees, Grass, etc.
• Objects Pregnant Dream (28) – Gold Prenatal Dream, Ink, Inkstone, Brush, Ax, etc.
• Natural Prenatal Dream (27) – River, Pond, Sky, Land, Sea, etc.
• Prenatal Dreams of Divine Beings (8) – Jesus, Confucius, Sakyamuni, Saints, etc.

♣ 1 type of text tarot reading product
The Tarot is an epitome of life that shows the numerous desires and activities of human beings in 78 chapters, and is a divination that gives inevitability to random selection.
“Spiritual Divination” Tarot draws three cards and provides textual results about the past, present, and future.
I hope you will use it lightly without any big meaning, and if you need an important decision, we recommend that you consult with a counselor specializing in tarot.

We have prepared new products as above.
We will always sincerely pray and work hard so that the lives of all our customers and teachers will be happier than before through “Shintong”.

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