휠보레-톡톡 icon


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About 휠보레-톡톡

It's okay if you have multiple apps.
You can use it overseas by simply setting the app installed on the phone to the button.

You don't need to touch a phone in the distance while using other apps such as phone,
If you press the nearby wheelbore-knock-knock, it will pop up at any time.

Use it by setting it as an app you want, not a specific navigation app.

When voice recognition is difficult due to the sound of music, the sound of a car, or a conversation with a passenger,
At the push of a button, voice recognition is ready, so errors are much less.

Even if the black box is installed, if you are uneasy, set the camera to the button
Take a video right away. It's stored on the phone, so it's not only good quality but also easy to find.

When you absolutely need a phone while driving, you don't have to touch your phone
Make calls with your favorite voice recognition app.

Driving with a smartphone
It is a more convenient and safer means.

Use it more conveniently and safely.

휠보레-톡톡 Screenshots