명함인식 - 명함 사진을 연락처로 저장 icon

명함인식 - 명함 사진을 연락처로 저장

Infozone Inc.
100,000+ downloads

About 명함인식 - 명함 사진을 연락처로 저장

You do not have to worry about typing contacts on your smartphone while you're looking at business cards.
Your business card recognition app will do it for you.

The business card recognition app supports the following functions.

● Extract text from pictures.
- Capture business cards with your camera and quickly and accurately convert them into text in seconds.
- You can easily extract text from a picture by simply shooting without complicated operations.
- You can also convert the card image already taken from the gallery to text.
● Free recognition function.
- Are you using paid apps for a fee?
- Business card recognition app gives you all the features for free.
● Items in the business card are automatically classified.
- You do not need to find your name, phone number, or email address.
- All items that can be stored as contacts are automatically classified.
- Automatically categorized items can be easily saved as contacts.
● Recognized pictures and text in the business card are automatically saved in the app history.
- Recognition history is saved automatically, without having to remember when you recognized it.
- Recognition history allows you to check previously recognized pictures and text.
- By entering the keyword you are looking for, you can search the recognition history and find the business card easily.
- By grouping by date, you can check the recognition history at a glance.
- The summary of the recognized business card is displayed and you can check the contents of the business card immediately.
● You can enlarge the recognized image.
- Select an image from the recognition history and zoom in with two fingers to enlarge the card.

● Recognized business card image is linked with map / navigation application
- After selecting the recognized business card image, you can easily link with the map or navigation application and go to the address recorded on the business card.

■ Salesperson
- You can take a business card with the camera and save it quickly and easily.

[Explanation of app access rights]

* Address book access (required) *
Business Card Recognition is a required function for address book management, and you need to have access to the address book in order to be able to store the recognized business card in the address book.

* Photo and video rights (required) *
In order to recognize a business card, it is done through camera shooting.

* Photo, media, file access rights (required) *
Access to the file is required in order to recognize the contents of the business card by calling up the already stored business card picture.

* Call status and dialing rights (required) *
Business Card Recognition You need to have access to make phone calls so that you can make calls directly from the registered business cards.

* Microphone and voice recording access rights (required) *
You need access to microphone and voice recordings to register business cards via voice and to use the translator.

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