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전통문화연구회 Institute of Traditional Culture
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About 주역정의1

- This is one of the 13 classic oriental classics address app series distributed by the Traditional Culture Research Society (Volume 1).
- In order to use the contents of this app, you must be able to access the mobile environment (WIFI, 3G, LTE, etc.).

[Basic Information on Definition of the Leading Role (Vol. 1)]
1. It is based on the contents of Definition 1 of Translational Leading Roles published by the Traditional Culture Research Association.
2. The contents of Book 1 are from 'Sanggyeong Sound Book' to 'Sanggyeong Sujeon (上经 需傳)'.

1. The original text of the main character
2. View translation and translation commentary
3. Support for text and translation search
4. Support for Korean phonetic search for the original text
5. Support bookmark function to see what you want to see again (search page is also available)

주역정의1 Screenshots