KPC Market Research App (KPC MR App):-
MR Section
- About MR
- MR Hierarchy
- Market Structure
- MR Nuggets
- Oil Price
Data Portal Section
- Real GDP Growth Rate % by Region
Oil Data: Upstream
- World Crude Production by grade
- World Crude Supply by Region and grade
- US Production - Tight Oil and Conventional
- Total World Oil Supply/Demand Balances
- World Oil Demand by Energy Agencies - IEA , OPEC, EIA
Oil Data: Downstream
- Global Refining Capacity - CDU- and by region
- Products Supply Demand by Region and world
- Crude oil demand by region and type
- World Products demand by type
US Rig Counts
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Total
- US
- Total Crude
- Cushing
- Gasoline
- Distillates
- F.O
- Total Crude
- Gasoline
- Distillates
- F.O
MR Reports
- Crude Oil
- Naphtha
- Gasoline
- Middle Distillates
- Fuel Oil
- Sulphur
- Petcoke
MR Section
- About MR
- MR Hierarchy
- Market Structure
- MR Nuggets
- Oil Price
Data Portal Section
- Real GDP Growth Rate % by Region
Oil Data: Upstream
- World Crude Production by grade
- World Crude Supply by Region and grade
- US Production - Tight Oil and Conventional
- Total World Oil Supply/Demand Balances
- World Oil Demand by Energy Agencies - IEA , OPEC, EIA
Oil Data: Downstream
- Global Refining Capacity - CDU- and by region
- Products Supply Demand by Region and world
- Crude oil demand by region and type
- World Products demand by type
US Rig Counts
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Total
- US
- Total Crude
- Cushing
- Gasoline
- Distillates
- F.O
- Total Crude
- Gasoline
- Distillates
- F.O
MR Reports
- Crude Oil
- Naphtha
- Gasoline
- Middle Distillates
- Fuel Oil
- Sulphur
- Petcoke
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