Magnum Club - Magnum dүkender zhelіsіnіn beyildi satyp alushylaryna arnalgan kosymsha. Magnum Club sіzge Magnum dүkender zhelisimen өzara әrekettesudіn zhan sapali deңgeyіn ұsynady.
Magnum Club қosimshasyn zhүktep alyңyz - tiimdі satyp alular zhasap, club mүshesіnіn artyқshylyқtarymen paidalanyңyz:
- arbir satyp alu ushin bonustardy esepteu
- arnayy ұsynystar men zheke zhenіldikter alu
- barcode arkyly önіmnіn baғasyn onay bіlu mүmkindіgі
- sharelar men ұtys oyyndaryn katysu
- Zhenіldіkter katalogyn yngayly karau
- satyp alu tizimderin kuru
- coupondar men promo code
- satyp alu tarikhyn karau
- takyryptyk klubtardagy zhazilymdardy baskaru
- zhakyn ornalaskan dүkenderdi kartadan іzdeu zhane dүkendegi zhenіldikter, keneytіlgen assortment of nemese қosymsha қyzmetter turaly akparatty koru.
Kosymshany zhuktep alyp, "Magnum Club" degen ulken otbasyna kosylynyz!
Magnum - өmirdi toltyramyz!
Magnum Club is an application for loyal customers of the Magnum chain of stores. Magnum Club will provide you with a new quality level of interaction with the Magnum chain of stores.
Download Magnum Club - buy at a profit and enjoy the privileges of a club member:
- accrual of bonuses for each purchase
- receive special offers and personalized discounts
- the ability to easily find out the cost of goods by barcode
- participation in promotions and sweepstakes
- convenient viewing of the catalog of discounts
- create shopping lists
- coupons and promo codes
- view purchase history
- managing subscriptions in thematic clubs
- search for the nearest stores on the map with detailed information about discounts, extended range or additional services
Download the app and join the big Magnum Club family now!
Magnum - we fill life!
Magnum Club қosimshasyn zhүktep alyңyz - tiimdі satyp alular zhasap, club mүshesіnіn artyқshylyқtarymen paidalanyңyz:
- arbir satyp alu ushin bonustardy esepteu
- arnayy ұsynystar men zheke zhenіldikter alu
- barcode arkyly önіmnіn baғasyn onay bіlu mүmkindіgі
- sharelar men ұtys oyyndaryn katysu
- Zhenіldіkter katalogyn yngayly karau
- satyp alu tizimderin kuru
- coupondar men promo code
- satyp alu tarikhyn karau
- takyryptyk klubtardagy zhazilymdardy baskaru
- zhakyn ornalaskan dүkenderdi kartadan іzdeu zhane dүkendegi zhenіldikter, keneytіlgen assortment of nemese қosymsha қyzmetter turaly akparatty koru.
Kosymshany zhuktep alyp, "Magnum Club" degen ulken otbasyna kosylynyz!
Magnum - өmirdi toltyramyz!
Magnum Club is an application for loyal customers of the Magnum chain of stores. Magnum Club will provide you with a new quality level of interaction with the Magnum chain of stores.
Download Magnum Club - buy at a profit and enjoy the privileges of a club member:
- accrual of bonuses for each purchase
- receive special offers and personalized discounts
- the ability to easily find out the cost of goods by barcode
- participation in promotions and sweepstakes
- convenient viewing of the catalog of discounts
- create shopping lists
- coupons and promo codes
- view purchase history
- managing subscriptions in thematic clubs
- search for the nearest stores on the map with detailed information about discounts, extended range or additional services
Download the app and join the big Magnum Club family now!
Magnum - we fill life!
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