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TMConverter Pro

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About TMConverter Pro

Ads free version of TMConverter app.

Important!!! Please check the free version of TMConverter before buying the app.
Free version includes almost the same features and contains some ads.

Tool for coordinates conversion between Geodetic system(latitude & longitude), Universal Transverse Mercator(UTM), Transverse Mercator(TM) and Lambert conformal conic projection(LCC)
Tap on system label, to switch coordinates input system

Reference ellipsoid datums can be WGS84 and as well as another 22 other datums

3 different lat/lon input formats: decimal degree (default input), degrees /decimal minutes and
degrees/minutes and decimal seconds)

Features: Option to save coordinates in local database, groups, multiple point visualization on map.
Coordinate input from map. Share converted coordinates as text.

TMConverter Pro Screenshots