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inwi money

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About inwi money

Send money, pay your bills and other purchases with inwi money

inwi money is the mobile solution that allows you to carry out transfers, payments and other financial operations in a simple, immediate and secure way.
Download the inwi money application and fund your account by credit card or in agencies (inwi agencies and other approved points of sale).

You can, wherever you are, whenever you want and, directly from your mobile:

- Consult your balance and the history of your transactions in real time
- Recharge and pay your inwi bills or those of your loved ones, 24/7
- Pay your water and electricity bills without moving
- Pay your car sticker
- Send and receive money instantly and to all mobile numbers in Morocco
- Receive money from abroad via our partner WorldRemit
- Receive a transfer from a bank account

At any time, withdraw the money available on inwi money in the agency of your choice or via automatic teller machine.

For more information, inwi money is at your disposal on 430, or 0529 000 430 and by email on:
- Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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