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Trip Easy

Matrix Systems
100+ downloads

About Trip Easy

Visiting your favourite places in a new town has never been easier than this.

With Trip Easy you can go to all the places you want in the radius of 50 km without worrying and without focusing on which route to choose and which not.

Using this app you can mark up to 5 places which you want to visit and this will tell you the shortest and most reliable route which you should take for reaching the next point.

This app first shows the place which is nearest to your origin and once you reach that place, the next place shown to you will be nearest to your current position.

This app tells you all the routes you should take, one after the another, for reaching the last place i.e. the destination even when you are at the origin.

You can also search nearby places like ATMs, gas stations, spa and many more. And by tapping the marker you can find out path, distance and travel time to that place.

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