To calculate mass of round pipes one shound apply the following formula:
m = Pi * ro * S * (D - S) * L
Mass of rectangular and square pipes is calculated according to the interpolational formula. Node points are masses of pipes according to the State Standard 8645-68 /Steel rectangular pipes/ and State Standard 8639-82 /Steel square pipes/. Mass of pipes with standard proportions corresponds to State Standard. If the proportions of a pipe are not standard the following formula is used (according to the Rosov N. Reference-book. Massofonemetreofapipe. M. Metallurgy, 1966):
m = Pi * ro * S * (D - S) * L
Mass of rectangular and square pipes is calculated according to the interpolational formula. Node points are masses of pipes according to the State Standard 8645-68 /Steel rectangular pipes/ and State Standard 8639-82 /Steel square pipes/. Mass of pipes with standard proportions corresponds to State Standard. If the proportions of a pipe are not standard the following formula is used (according to the Rosov N. Reference-book. Massofonemetreofapipe. M. Metallurgy, 1966):
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