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Bubble level pro

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About Bubble level pro

Bubble Level app is handy, accurate, simple to use and incredibly useful tool
for your Android device, it is an instrument designed to indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb),this app tries to mimic the real level meter and displays the data as real level meter would, it has also a a bull's eye level meter which is a circular, flat-bottomed device with the liquid under a slightly convex glass face with a circle at the center. It serves to level a surface across a plane, while the tubular level only does so in the direction of the tube.

you can use bubble level pro in construction, carpentry and photography to determine if objects on which you're working on are level. Used properly, a bubble level can help you create flawlessly leveled pieces of furniture, help you when hanging paintings or other items on the wall, level billiard table, level table tennis table, set up a tripod for photographs, level your trailer or camper and much more.

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