Are you looking for a new laptop? Or vacuum cleaner? Coffee machine or headphones?
Are you curious if the product you have in mind is cheaper at, coolblue, media market, paradigit, norrod or one of the many other stores in our database?
Then use Compara! Searching and comparing has never been easier
Compara is the Netherlands' first mobile product comparison application.
Within a few taps you know where you can best get your product.
At the moment, Compara is best suited when you have in mind a product of which you already know the type number / type (for example: Bose Quietcomfort 35 headphones).
Soon you can also use Compara to discover the best deals.
You can find your desired product via a search or use our barcode scanner.
Are you in the store and are you curious whether the product can be obtained cheaper online? Just scan the barcode with the compara app and you'll know right away!
We regularly add new stores, products and product categories to our database. That way you always know where to score the best deal.
What are you waiting for? Download the Compara app today and always find the best deals!
Are you curious if the product you have in mind is cheaper at, coolblue, media market, paradigit, norrod or one of the many other stores in our database?
Then use Compara! Searching and comparing has never been easier
Compara is the Netherlands' first mobile product comparison application.
Within a few taps you know where you can best get your product.
At the moment, Compara is best suited when you have in mind a product of which you already know the type number / type (for example: Bose Quietcomfort 35 headphones).
Soon you can also use Compara to discover the best deals.
You can find your desired product via a search or use our barcode scanner.
Are you in the store and are you curious whether the product can be obtained cheaper online? Just scan the barcode with the compara app and you'll know right away!
We regularly add new stores, products and product categories to our database. That way you always know where to score the best deal.
What are you waiting for? Download the Compara app today and always find the best deals!
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