Salary-Due dayes + Widget + Converter.
Light app to show and convert between various calendar systems.
The application is compatible with the Ummulqura Calendar and the system used in Saudi Arabia to calculate the Hijri Solar (Hijri Shamsi) Calendar.
★ Includes Widget to display dates on home screen (contains a day, time, Lunar Hijri and Solar Hijri).
★ Includes Widget to display remaining days to salary due day.
★ Calculate Salary due date for all employees.
★ Simple and easy-to-use interface.
★ Widget Customization (change text color and background color).
★ Add support for app shortcuts (require android 7.1.1).
★ The possibility to convert to and from all dates (Hijri lunar) and (Solar Hijri) and (AD):
- From Lunar Hijri to Solar Hijri (Hijri Shamsi) and AD.
- From Solar Hijri to Lunat Hijri and Gregorian.
- From AD to Lunar Hijri and Solar Hijri (Hijri Shamsi).
**To add the widget to your phone home screen:**
1. Press and hold an empty space on the home screen
2. Tap "Widgets".
3. Scroll through the widgets, until you find "Salary-Due dates".
4. Press and hold and then drag the widget to the home screen you want to add it to.
5. To open setting menu click on the DAY NAME.
For any issue and feedback please contact me at
Light app to show and convert between various calendar systems.
The application is compatible with the Ummulqura Calendar and the system used in Saudi Arabia to calculate the Hijri Solar (Hijri Shamsi) Calendar.
★ Includes Widget to display dates on home screen (contains a day, time, Lunar Hijri and Solar Hijri).
★ Includes Widget to display remaining days to salary due day.
★ Calculate Salary due date for all employees.
★ Simple and easy-to-use interface.
★ Widget Customization (change text color and background color).
★ Add support for app shortcuts (require android 7.1.1).
★ The possibility to convert to and from all dates (Hijri lunar) and (Solar Hijri) and (AD):
- From Lunar Hijri to Solar Hijri (Hijri Shamsi) and AD.
- From Solar Hijri to Lunat Hijri and Gregorian.
- From AD to Lunar Hijri and Solar Hijri (Hijri Shamsi).
**To add the widget to your phone home screen:**
1. Press and hold an empty space on the home screen
2. Tap "Widgets".
3. Scroll through the widgets, until you find "Salary-Due dates".
4. Press and hold and then drag the widget to the home screen you want to add it to.
5. To open setting menu click on the DAY NAME.
For any issue and feedback please contact me at
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