Study, practice and review the questions to take the MTC Peru knowledge exam, it is available for all categories of class A and B, necessary whether you want to get your first license, revalidate or recategorize.
So that you can prepare for the exam, you have different options to choose from, according to your way of study, such as:
-SIMULACRO: You can give the mock exam with the same conditions as the MTC, 40 questions 40 minutes, at the end you get your results, and you can check how you did the exam, check your correct and incorrect answers to improve your knowledge.
-BALLOTARIAN: Check all the questions that correspond to you according to your category, all with the corresponding answer. You have the option to enable the reading of the questions.
-PRACTIC: Considered the best option to study and prepare, because you review each question in your category as in the exam, but you can verify at the moment if your answer is correct or not, you do not need to wait until the end, that is, you already practice the Maybe you are studying. You have the option to enable the reading of the questions.
You can also check your driving record, your points, and the status of your ballots.
Legal warning
This application was created with educational purposes to help you in the preparation of the theoretical exam in obtaining the driver's license of the MTC of Peru. This application is not affiliated with the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC of Peru) or with another institution of the government of Peru.
So that you can prepare for the exam, you have different options to choose from, according to your way of study, such as:
-SIMULACRO: You can give the mock exam with the same conditions as the MTC, 40 questions 40 minutes, at the end you get your results, and you can check how you did the exam, check your correct and incorrect answers to improve your knowledge.
-BALLOTARIAN: Check all the questions that correspond to you according to your category, all with the corresponding answer. You have the option to enable the reading of the questions.
-PRACTIC: Considered the best option to study and prepare, because you review each question in your category as in the exam, but you can verify at the moment if your answer is correct or not, you do not need to wait until the end, that is, you already practice the Maybe you are studying. You have the option to enable the reading of the questions.
You can also check your driving record, your points, and the status of your ballots.
Legal warning
This application was created with educational purposes to help you in the preparation of the theoretical exam in obtaining the driver's license of the MTC of Peru. This application is not affiliated with the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC of Peru) or with another institution of the government of Peru.
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