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Cecil The Lion Goes Hunting

Felipe Caldas
100+ downloads

About Cecil The Lion Goes Hunting

I have created this game as a tribute to Cecil, The Lion, that was killed by a not-so-nice (to say the least) individual in Zimbabwe earlier this week.

Not only Cecil, but many other animals are killed every day by trophy hunters. With this small game, I hope to raise a little awareness to the problem and highlight that we cannot accept this anymore.

The game is ads based and all revenue from it will be donated to World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) after two months of its release. I will add another $20 to that donation.

Help me installing the game and clicking on the ads, as soon as the game finishes.

You have to hit the evil dentist three times to complete the game.

Game Release Date: 01/08/2015
Target Donation Date: 01/10/2015

The donation is done! I am so happy to be able to support the Wild Life. Thanks to everyone who downloaded the game and helped creating some revenue.
See more about the donation here: http://funkapps.mobi/wp/index.php/2015/10/02/cecil-the-lion-goes-hunting-donation/

Cecil The Lion Goes Hunting Screenshots