Malta Fisheries & Aquaculture icon

Malta Fisheries & Aquaculture

Government of Malta
5,000+ downloads

About Malta Fisheries & Aquaculture

The app offers a digital catalogue of the Marine flora and fauna which can be found on the Maltese archipelago. The users have also the possibility to submit geo-tagged photos to help the Fisheries Department and the Environment Authority to discover and record new marine and alien species. The app offers also a section to renew fishing licences. The Aquaculture section will provide details on the Aquaculture Research Centre.


L-app toffri katalgu diġitali tal-flora u l-fawna tal-baħar li jinsabu fuq l-arċipelagu Malti. L-utenti għandhom ukoll il-possibbiltà li jissottomettu ritratti ġeommarkati biex jgħinu lid-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u lill-Awtorità tal-Ambjent biex jiskopru u jirreġistraw speċi ġodda u aljeni tal-baħar. L-app toffri wkoll sezzjoni biex iġġedded il-liċenzji tas-sajd. Is-sezzjoni tal-Akkwakultura tipprovdi dettalji dwar iċ-Ċentru ta' Riċerka tal-Akkwakultura.

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