MTG Search (scan deck-builder) icon

MTG Search (scan deck-builder)

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About MTG Search (scan deck-builder)

MTG search indexed all cards published in MTG sets since 1993.
Searching cards is made with:
- text search (searching in title, description, type...)
- filter search (color, CMC, set, rarity...)
- and combining both

Get full detailed informations on every cards:
- description with the last oracle version
- all sets in which card has been published
- card pictures for each sets
- prices

Build deck using advanced search and get detailed stats. Decks can be imported/exported.

Manage your wishlist to know which card you need to buy.

The information presented on this application about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. This application is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.

MTG Search (scan deck-builder) Screenshots