Musicall is a free streaming app and music player. Stream free music and hits, discover music, listen to playlists with Musi. You can find and listen to your favourite & trending music, search hottest, top & trending artists, albums & genres to stream
- Free music. No cost
- Free music from trending music list
- Free music have floating player , watching videos to avoid interruption off music playback
- Creat your own playlists and save your songs to library
- All the hottest charts update daily
- Search unlimited music, music search quickly
- Easy to play songs
- Free Youtube music videos
- Optimized for low cellular data
- Powerful Equalizer
- Search among millions of ads-free YouTube music videos for free: smart search with suggestions
- Browse the daily Top Charts songs: USA, Brazil, UK..
- Access 100 music genres: Electronic, Soul, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rhythm & blues, Disco, Jazz and more
- Discover our special radios: whether you want to sleep, party, concentrate or do some workout, there is a radio for you
- Start a radio from any video for hours of free music, no need to download your tracks anymore.
- Access in a click dedicated tabs to your music with content you've recently watched and liked
- Enjoy simple one touch and drag&drop gestures to manage and listen to your music
Musicall does not let you to download music, download video or stream music in background due to YouTube Terms of Service
• All content is provided by YouTube services. This app does not have control over the content displayed
- Free music. No cost
- Free music from trending music list
- Free music have floating player , watching videos to avoid interruption off music playback
- Creat your own playlists and save your songs to library
- All the hottest charts update daily
- Search unlimited music, music search quickly
- Easy to play songs
- Free Youtube music videos
- Optimized for low cellular data
- Powerful Equalizer
- Search among millions of ads-free YouTube music videos for free: smart search with suggestions
- Browse the daily Top Charts songs: USA, Brazil, UK..
- Access 100 music genres: Electronic, Soul, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rhythm & blues, Disco, Jazz and more
- Discover our special radios: whether you want to sleep, party, concentrate or do some workout, there is a radio for you
- Start a radio from any video for hours of free music, no need to download your tracks anymore.
- Access in a click dedicated tabs to your music with content you've recently watched and liked
- Enjoy simple one touch and drag&drop gestures to manage and listen to your music
Musicall does not let you to download music, download video or stream music in background due to YouTube Terms of Service
• All content is provided by YouTube services. This app does not have control over the content displayed
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