This Translation is a more trustworthy Restoration of other restored translations in order to remove ALL UNICIST, TRINITARIAN ADDITIONS AND TRANSLATION ERRORS OF CHRISTIANS WHO WERE INFLUENCED BY THEIR PRECONCEIVED IDEAS.
The work to have this Scripture ready has lasted 7 years.
For this unique publication of THE TANAJ AND BRIT JADASHÁ HA TORAH HA YAHWEH I have used the Masoretic texts as base texts for the Tanach and Manuscripts of the Letters of the Shelujim together with the Writings of the Apostolic Fathers. I also collated the 2nd century Peshita and the Jerusalem Bible in their oldest versions. I then proceeded to correct the obvious and shamefully manipulated redactions by the Hebrew, Christian and Messianic Masoretic and other current editors. In addition, I have reinserted the True name in these Fundamental Sources.
After considering in TEFILAT (Prayer) and study, and always following the Guide to Ruach HaKodesh in each thorough review, I have used key sources such as The Dead Sea Scrolls (The Qumrám).
Most of the sources consulted have been Semitic, since I believe they were inspired and written in Semitic languages such as Hebrew and Aramaic.
My purpose in publishing THE RESTORED YISRAELITE KITBÉ 5997, is to give all benei Yisrael the opportunity to radically follow Yahweh's Guide so that, in this last time, all Yisrael would have in their hands a FINAL translation that first and foremost , raises and proclaims The True Shem (Name) of יהוה (Yahweh) as it originally appeared in the First Brit (Covenant) nearly 7,000 times in reliable Semitic historical sources. Additional insertions were based on the consistency and immutability of the Celestial Abba, whose Name does not change (Shemot 3: 14-15).
For the Brit Hadasha (New Covenant) I have included the true Name of the Mashiach יהשע (Yahshua) that was changed to wrong names and that did not correspond to its Hebrew essence, since the Hebrew proper names cannot be translated into any language.
-YANOKJ (Has been included at the end of Devarim)
-YASHAR (Has been included after Yanokj)
-JUBILEE (It has been included after Yahoshua)
-CLEMENT OF ROME (Disciple of Shaul)
The order of the Manuscripts are recorded in THE TANAJ HA TORAH AND THE BRIT JADASHÁ HA YAHSHUA is made in such a way that it highlights Yahweh and His Eternal Covenants with all of Yisrael, from the days of the betrothal at Sinai, the nation that was united under Dawid and Slomoj, and through the exiles.
Author Moreh: Yhemaelh Zeev (Hemael López Naranjo)
This Translation is a more trustworthy Restoration of other restored translations in order to remove ALL UNICIST, TRINITARIAN ADDITIONS AND TRANSLATION ERRORS OF CHRISTIANS WHO WERE INFLUENCED BY THEIR PRECONCEIVED IDEAS.
The work to have this Scripture ready has lasted 7 years.
For this unique publication of THE TANAJ AND BRIT JADASHÁ HA TORAH HA YAHWEH I have used the Masoretic texts as base texts for the Tanach and Manuscripts of the Letters of the Shelujim together with the Writings of the Apostolic Fathers. I also collated the 2nd century Peshita and the Jerusalem Bible in their oldest versions. I then proceeded to correct the obvious and shamefully manipulated redactions by the Hebrew, Christian and Messianic Masoretic and other current editors. In addition, I have reinserted the True name in these Fundamental Sources.
After considering in TEFILAT (Prayer) and study, and always following the Guide to Ruach HaKodesh in each thorough review, I have used key sources such as The Dead Sea Scrolls (The Qumrám).
Most of the sources consulted have been Semitic, since I believe they were inspired and written in Semitic languages such as Hebrew and Aramaic.
My purpose in publishing THE RESTORED YISRAELITE KITBÉ 5997, is to give all benei Yisrael the opportunity to radically follow Yahweh's Guide so that, in this last time, all Yisrael would have in their hands a FINAL translation that first and foremost , raises and proclaims The True Shem (Name) of יהוה (Yahweh) as it originally appeared in the First Brit (Covenant) nearly 7,000 times in reliable Semitic historical sources. Additional insertions were based on the consistency and immutability of the Celestial Abba, whose Name does not change (Shemot 3: 14-15).
For the Brit Hadasha (New Covenant) I have included the true Name of the Mashiach יהשע (Yahshua) that was changed to wrong names and that did not correspond to its Hebrew essence, since the Hebrew proper names cannot be translated into any language.
-YANOKJ (Has been included at the end of Devarim)
-YASHAR (Has been included after Yanokj)
-JUBILEE (It has been included after Yahoshua)
-CLEMENT OF ROME (Disciple of Shaul)
The order of the Manuscripts are recorded in THE TANAJ HA TORAH AND THE BRIT JADASHÁ HA YAHSHUA is made in such a way that it highlights Yahweh and His Eternal Covenants with all of Yisrael, from the days of the betrothal at Sinai, the nation that was united under Dawid and Slomoj, and through the exiles.
Author Moreh: Yhemaelh Zeev (Hemael López Naranjo)
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