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MY Acson

Acson Malaysia
10,000+ downloads

About MY Acson

MY Acson allows you to monitor and manage your Acson Room Air-Conditioner unit anywhere and anytime. An intelligent and UI interactive designed application provides various function and features which bring you desired climate control while saving energy. This application supports Acson Air Conditioner equipped with an Acson dedicated WiFi Adaptor Unit along with working internet connection.

Enjoy convenience of:
- Basic operations: ON/OFF
- Operation modes: Cool/Fan/Dry
- Options: Turbo/Sleep/Quiet*
- Temperature setting
- Fan speed setting*
- Airflow direction*
- Centralized ON/OFF control and grouped ON/OFF control
- Error notification
- Grouping and managing controls with guest users
- Weekly Timer

*Model dependent on the Air-Conditioner model.

More interesting features are waiting for you to experience!

MY Acson Screenshots