Wirid Selepas Solat is unavailable. Alternatives:
An elegant app, easy and convenient interface for prayer times, kiblat direction and nearby masjid wherever you are. * Data source from E-Solat JAKIM * Solat time of Imsak, Subuh, Syuruk, Dhuha, Zohor, Asar, Maghrib and Isyak. * The next prayer time is highlighted to easily aware for next prayer
This application as a guide for muslim on solat (pray) ibadah. Aplikasi ini sebagai panduan kepada warga muslim dalam menunaikan ibadat solat (sembahyang) menurut Islam. Sesuai untuk pembelajaran anak-anak berkenaan sembahyang. Antara kandungan - Rukun solat, wuduk, solat fardu 5 waktu, doa & wirid
Waktu Solat Malaysia ialah aplikasi waktu solat dengan data solat yang di ambil dari laman web rasmi Jabatan Kemajuan Islam malaysia (JAKIM) iaitu https://www.e-solat.gov.my/ . Selain memaparkan waktu solat bagi lokasi anda, aplikasi ini juga mengandungi : ★ Data Jadual Waktu Solat Malaysia diperol
This application not only to display information related to prayer times, Qibla and supplication/doa. We constantly try to improve the contents of this application. Main Features ● Prayer times and waktu solat based on your local timetables London Central Mosque (United Kingdom). ● Accurate prayer
*beta: track when we read our solat. Now the app comes with solat tracker, so we can track when we read our solat. Tap the blue button which will change accordingly; if it's time for zuhur, the button label will be zuhur. Overtime, we can improve and not procrastinate. Details below. Waktu solat
Menampilkan waktu shalat di Indonesia. Lokasi anda akan terdeteksi otomatis. Saat waktu shalat anda akan mendengar adzan. http://shalat.landak.com/ Shubuh 20° Maghrib 1° Isya 18° Versi baru tersedia! gabung beta tester: https://goo.gl/2prqNK CATATAN: Centang Waktu Shalat untuk mendengar adzan di
Prayer times and call to prayer: Imsak, Subuh, Syuruk, Zohor, Asar, Maghrib and Isyak. Main function: ● Displays local Prayer Time estimates (Malaysia (JAKIM), Indonesia (Ministry of Religion RI), Singapore (MUIS) and Brunei (Islamic Da'wah Center)) and also based on your location around the world
Aplikasi Waktu Adzan & Kiblat adalah aplikasi untuk mengetahui jadwal sholat dan arah kiblat. Sangat cocok untuk membantu Anda dalam beribada khususnya di bulan Ramadhan atau bulan puasa Permission: LOCATION: This is required to get your location and calculate prayer time and qibla direction.
Waktu Solat is an application for Muslims to get the prayer time schedule easier. Prayer time for each day can be searched easily through easy-to-understand displays. Among the functions performed by the Waktu Solat (Prayer Time) app: 1. Prayer time for every day 2. Users can select time by locat
MarBel ‘Learn to Read’ is an educational application that helps children learn to recognize 26 letters from 'A' to 'Z', distinguish between vowels and consonants, spell, and understand the names of objects around them. This MarBel application is specifically designed for children aged 6 to 8 years.
Panduan doa dan zikir selepas solat is a must for every muslim. * Ejaan rumi for bacaan doa (useful for muaalaf) * Zikir dan wirid mengikut sunnah. * Syarat-syarat doa dimakbulkan. * Bacaan doa lepas sembahyang ringkas (mudah dihafal) * Malay language. * Free version. * Auto Rotate mode (optimal f
Solat Fardhu merupakan aplikasi mobile yang dibangunkan oleh pihak MSDDI sebagai platform untuk semua lapisan umat Islam dan juga untuk pengguna yang ingin belajar tentang Solat Fardhu dengan lebih terperinci. Aplikasi ini mempunyai fungsi seperti pengertian solat dan juga tatacara solat secara terp
Formerly known as Softnet Waktu Solat. Efficiently uses of technology in helping your daily prayers. Round the clock and the most complete prayer time-table and notifications. Highly customisable to your liking: background images, ringtones, azan, and sounds/audios. Auto silent ringer mode and manu
Offline game which is an educational application to teach your favorite children about learning to read accompanied by audio / how to read it. Beginning with spelling, reading words and sentences. The Writing and Reading module is applied to determine children's reading ability by making their own w
Waktu Solat Malaysia ialah aplikasi waktu solat dengan data solat yang di ambil dari laman web rasmi Jabatan Kemajuan Islam malaysia (JAKIM). ★ Pengguna boleh memilih lokasi berdasarkan negeri & lokasi ★ Negeri: Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Kuala Terengganu, Pulau Pinang, Sabah, Sarawak, Perlis, Negeri
GEMA stands Bible Reading Movement, a movement to help the church to be able to read the entire Bible in every period of three years. GEMA published for the first time in 1999 by the Church of Jesus Christ, Jakarta, Indonesia. As the name implies, GEMA emphasize that the Bible should be read by eve
Aplikasi “Belajar Membaca” memenangi anugarah Emas dalam Mobile Business Excellence Awards 2015, di bawah kategori “Best Education Application of the Year”. Siri Belajar Membaca (versi Lite) dihasilkan khusus untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran huruf-huruf dalam Bahasa Melayu. Pengajarannya yang berp
Marbel Clock & Timing is an educational application that provides a way of learning to read clock and time. Children will be introduced in the form of hours and how to read it. Marbel Learning Hours and time available in their own learning and the learning mode automatically. Equipped with a support
We include transliteration, reading in roman / latin is to help rakan2 who are just learning or are not proficient in reading Quran recitation. Keep learning to act in order to read the holy Qur'an with Tajweed more accurate. Applicability Wirid and prayer (prayer) after this prayer is a simple appl
"100% Muslim. Get prayer times & notifications, read Quran and Qibla directions from anywhere you are If you are looking for an application that can provide accurate prayer times and adhan services according to your location, Qibla directions and can read the Quran, not only online but also offlin