Parlimen Belia Malaysia is unavailable. Alternatives:
The word Love For Girlfriend is an application contains a collection of romantic love words. Actually, not just for boyfriend, but you can use it for your husband or wife or even the people closest to you. :) There are features of the word love today, which allows you to get a 1 notivikasi word lov
Aplikasi cari pekerjaan untuk tukang bangunan #AntiNganggur. Hari ini kerja, besok pasti gajian! Tersedia banyak pekerjaan tukang bangunan untuk proyek konstruksi pembangunan, renovasi, perbaikan dan perawatan bangunan. Tipe tukang yang dibutuhkan: - Mandor - Tukang Atap - Tukang Batu - Tukang Be
Memenuhi kebutuhan IndiHome Anda tanpa harus ke mana-mana. Aplikasi myIndiHome memberi Anda kemudahan dan kenyamanan untuk mengelola layanan IndiHome Anda tanpa harus keluar rumah, terlebih di saat harus #DiRumahAja, di antaranya: ▪︎ Mengecek ketersediaan layanan IndiHome di lokasi yang diinginkan
BRImo merupakan Aplikasi Internet dan Mobile Banking BRI Terbaru berbasis data internet yang memberikan kemudahan bagi nasabah maupun non nasabah BRI untuk dapat bertransaksi dengan User Interface dan User Experience terbaru dan fitur-fitur menarik lainnya dengan pilihan Source of Fund/ sumber dana
POEMS ID (Phillip’s Online Electronic Mart System – Indonesia) adalah aplikasi yang dirancang untuk memberikan berbagai kemudahan bagi penggunanya. Dimulai dari kemudahan berinvestasi saham dan reksa dana dalam satu platform dan satu akun, hingga berbagai fitur cerdas yang dapat membantu Anda dalam
Experience the world with a touch of Malaysian Hospitality. We are the full-service national flag carrier of Malaysia, and our ultimate goal is to get you to where you need to be comfortably and conveniently with all the warmth and friendliness of our Malaysian culture. As a member of th
Aplikasi Waktu Adzan & Kiblat adalah aplikasi untuk mengetahui jadwal sholat dan arah kiblat. Sangat cocok untuk membantu Anda dalam beribada khususnya di bulan Ramadhan atau bulan puasa Permission: LOCATION: This is required to get your location and calculate prayer time and qibla direction.
Marbel Muslim Kids merupakan aplikasi pendidikan islami untuk anak usia 4-8 tahun. Aplikasi ini membantu anak-anak belajar mengenal Islam dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Marbel Muslim Kids dilengkapi dengan suara pendukung untuk memudahkan anak-anak belajar. Sehingga tidak perlu khawatir jika buah ha
Suria Malaysia is the country’s leading Radio Station for listeners aged 25 and above who loves 90’s to today’s latest hit music. Enjoy live broadcast streams, playback of your favourite shows of the week and the latest updates on Suria original content via Video and Podcast. Get the freshest
Waktu Solat Malaysia ialah aplikasi waktu solat dengan data solat yang di ambil dari laman web rasmi Jabatan Kemajuan Islam malaysia (JAKIM) iaitu . Selain memaparkan waktu solat bagi lokasi anda, aplikasi ini juga mengandungi : ★ Data Jadual Waktu Solat Malaysia diperol
It’s the fastest way to pay at Starbucks – Scan and Go! Get the best of Starbucks Rewards right at your fingertips! With Starbucks Malaysia Mobile App, you can now: - Make payment with Starbucks Card - Reload Starbucks Card online - Check rewards progress and validity - Register or add ne
An elegant app, easy and convenient interface for prayer times, kiblat direction and nearby masjid wherever you are. * Data source from E-Solat JAKIM * Solat time of Imsak, Subuh, Syuruk, Dhuha, Zohor, Asar, Maghrib and Isyak. * The next prayer time is highlighted to easily aware for next prayer
AyoNikah is a matchmaking application where you can find a mate around you. The members are serious and qualified, those who are the same are looking for a partner. You will not be matched or searched for, but choose and approach a matchmaking application. The facilities are designed to expedite yo
Information is freely available these days. But false information can be costly and detrimental to unsuspecting readers. We are Malaysia's most trusted news source and this is endorsed by the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2022. We pride ourselves for only publishing news that have been verif
Malaysia Prayer Times (MPT) reminds you when the next prayer is due, allows you the search nearby mosques, and determine the qibla from your phone. Features: - Automatically downloads the prayer time for the current location - Shows the direction of the qibla - Lists the nearby surau and mosques/ma
The official mobile app for, the no.1 property marketplace in Malaysia. Access Malaysia's top property mobile app to search for your dream home with over 500,000 choices of properties available for sale and rent! Explore options including houses, condos, apartments, bungalows an
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WHERE TO SHOP TODAY? Helping MORE THAN 500,000 Malaysians to save money since 2013 by planning groceries shopping smarter ** One minute a month, that's all it takes to easily save RM100! Couple of clicks and you'll be ready to save back on spending every time you go grocery shopping ** Savings de
Mau kulakan jadi mudah, jualan lebih untung? Aplikasi Super solusinya! Aplikasi Super bantu kulakan sembako dan barang kebutuhan pokok untuk toko atau kebutuhan sehari-hari di rumah jadi mudah. Kulakan bisa dimana saja dan kapan saja, jualan lebih untung pastinya! HARGA KULAKAN KOMPETITIF Kulakan
Game Educational Learning Salah (Prayer) is a simulation game genre and education that assist users in learning the obligatory prayers five times a day in an interesting and interactive. In this game available features: 1. Reading prayers (prayers) in Arabic writing which are indirectly taught child