Timer application for Bullseye (Conventional Pistol) competitions and training.
Gives voice range commands ("load", "ready on the firing line", etc...). May be used for a training session or to run a line in actual competition. Shows countdown in "ready" phase and elapsed time in "firing" phase. Supports slow/timed/rapid strings.
Training modes:
- one shot drill (in 2 seconds)
- two shots drill (in 4 seconds)
- continuous "loop" mode
Starting from version 1.5 can control physical target turners (PTTC by Freedom Technologies). More info available at http://freedomtech.duckdns.org/index_files/pttc.htm
Gives voice range commands ("load", "ready on the firing line", etc...). May be used for a training session or to run a line in actual competition. Shows countdown in "ready" phase and elapsed time in "firing" phase. Supports slow/timed/rapid strings.
Training modes:
- one shot drill (in 2 seconds)
- two shots drill (in 4 seconds)
- continuous "loop" mode
Starting from version 1.5 can control physical target turners (PTTC by Freedom Technologies). More info available at http://freedomtech.duckdns.org/index_files/pttc.htm
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