RideRunner is the #1st E-Hailing, Bike-Hailing & P-Hailing App in Sabah, East Malaysia. Ride with us, use our service and support local app.
Build by local company (Idolegacy Sdn Bhd) in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, this app provides Taxi Booking, Bike-Taxi, runner, delivery, on-the-counter and personal shopper service.
There are 3 fetures in this app that Driver/Bike Rider can earn some cash;
Ridesharing : E-Hailing (Online Taxi), Bike Sharing/Bike Hailing or Bike-Taxi service which passenger (Client) can move faster safely and beat the traffic jam.
Runner Service : Send parcel, personal shopper, on-the-counter service.
Features :
RideRunner-Go (RRGo) function can help you booking our Runners directly without using random features. This can help to cut waiting time for client to get drivers.
Be the first to be our Driver/Bike Rider.
Build by local company (Idolegacy Sdn Bhd) in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, this app provides Taxi Booking, Bike-Taxi, runner, delivery, on-the-counter and personal shopper service.
There are 3 fetures in this app that Driver/Bike Rider can earn some cash;
Ridesharing : E-Hailing (Online Taxi), Bike Sharing/Bike Hailing or Bike-Taxi service which passenger (Client) can move faster safely and beat the traffic jam.
Runner Service : Send parcel, personal shopper, on-the-counter service.
Features :
RideRunner-Go (RRGo) function can help you booking our Runners directly without using random features. This can help to cut waiting time for client to get drivers.
Be the first to be our Driver/Bike Rider.
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