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About ICOnnecta

IMPORTANT. The use of this application requires access codes that will be provided in the psycho-oncology unit of L’Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO).

The ICOnnecta’t application is a mobile application developed by the Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO). It is intended for all ICO cancer patients who are receiving primary hematological or oncological treatment. It serves to connect and facilitate communication between patients and their healthcare professionals with the general objective of reducing the impact of cancer, increasing well-being and quality of life during follow-up and ongoing care of the patient.

The specific objective of ICOnnecta’t is to provide health education and complement the accompaniment and psychosocial support of people with cancer during primary oncological or hematological treatments.

Periodically, the application asks the patient to answer some questions to find out their physical and emotional state. Then health professionals will be able to contact the patient through messages, with the aim of attending to their health and psychosocial needs and to improve their well-being. In addition, the application will allow you to record symptoms secondary to oncological or hematological treatment, guiding you in how to self-manage them through health education advice.

This monitoring is carried out by various health professionals in the field of oncology and hematology.

In no case is it an emergency service nor does it replace the face-to-face visits of the usual ICO hospital circuit.

ICOnnecta’t is an application owned by the Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO) (http://ico.gencat.cat/ca/inici).

Collaborating scientific foundation: Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL)

Provider and technology developer: Fundación Trilema (Socioemprende, S.L.) (https://www.fundaciontrilema.org/)
Application financed by the Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO) (http://ico.gencat.cat/ca/inici) and by research and innovation projects in health.

Last update of the clinical contents: October 2021

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