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SR Score

Dave O'Brien
4.9 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About SR Score

SR Score helps you keep score when playing Star Realms©, the popular deck-builder by White Wizard Games.

The physical game comes with scoring cards, but they're awkward to use, so I created this simple app to make scoring faster and easier.

- Track scores for 1 or 2 players.
- Pick your starting score (defaults to 50).
- Preview score changes before you apply them.
- Turn history lets you check if you missed anything.
- Fun sound effects (can be turned off).
- Screen stays awake during your game (can be turned off).
- Free with no ads or trackers. Woot!

This app was developed using:
- B4A by Anywhere Software. Thanks Erel!
- Starfield backgrounds by Ali Ries/Casperium Graphics

SR Score Screenshots