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A Textbook Homeopathic Pharmac

Arjun Medical Books
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About A Textbook Homeopathic Pharmac

This is an enlarged and thoroughly revised app which covers and fulfills most of the important topics in the subjects of homeopathy pharmacy for graduate and postgraduate students.
New chapters have been introduced such as 'Industrial Pharmacy', 'Hospital
Pharmacy', 'Preparation of Medicines from Nosodes and Sarcodes', 'Methods of Preparation as per HPUS', 'Methods of Preparaion as per GHP, 'Experimental Pharmacology', 'Doctrine of Signature', 'Homoeopathic Practitioners' Professional Conduct', 'Etiquette and Code of Ethics, 'Recent Advances in Homoeopathic Pharmacy', 'Computer based Management Information System', 'Plant Collection and Preparation of Herbarium', 'Evolution of Indian Therapeutic System'.
In this edition some important additions have been made in the text of original chapters such as 'Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacy', 'Brief Study of Standardisation of Medicines', 'Quality Control in Homoeopathic Pharmacy', 'The Technique of Homoeopathic D. Proving', 'Dispensing of Medicine', 'D. Administration', 'D.—Medicine—Remedy', 'General Knowledge of Legislation in relation to Homeopathic Pharmacy'.
A 'Glossary' has been given at the end of this book for easy explanation of terms related to homoeopathic pharmacy.
I hope this edition will be helpful to degree and postgraduate students, doctors, pharmacists and research workers in homeopathy.

This is "A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy" by Dr Partha Pratim Mandal
and Dr Biman Mandal.
This book seeks to make everything as up-to-date as can be in this fast-moving world. It will certainly be a trusty companion to the practising physicians and pharmcists.
The chapters which deserve special mention deal with sources of Homoeopathic medicines, different scales of preparation of medicines, methods of preparing Homeopathic medicines, potentisation, and list of medicines with their common name, family, distribution, and parts used.
The authors, as I well know, are brilliant students of Homeopathy with genuine research and scientific aptitude.
They have earned well-deserved reputation in practising Homoeopathy.
I am sure that they will be able to offer more excellent works in future for the students and the profession.

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