Aqidah (Arabic: عقيدة, translit. ʿaqīdah, plural عقائد, ʿaqāʾid, also spelled aqeeda or ʿaqīda) is an Islamic term meaning "creed." Many schools of Islamic theology expressing different views on aqidah exist. Any religious belief system, or creed, can be considered an example of aqidah. However, this term has taken a significant technical usage in Muslim history and theology, denoting those matters over which Muslims hold conviction. It is a branch of Islamic studies describing the beliefs of Islam.
This is Free Online Audio Mp3 Application about the Aqeedah (Aqidah) (Matters of Faith) By Taimiyyah Zubair.
Literally, the word ʿaqīdah is derived from the Semitic root ʿqd (ʿaqada), which means "to tie" or "knot."
Therefore, Aqidah or I'tiqad according to the scholars of Islam is: The firm creed that one's heart is fixed upon without any wavering or doubt. It excludes any supposition, doubt or suspicion.
As Aqeedah is most important part of Islam and of a muslim life, it has been dealt very clearly in quranic Ayats and ahadith.
Six Articles of Faith
There are six basic Aqeeda or article of faith (Iman) and these are to believe in
1. Allah,
2. His angels,
3. His Books,
4. His Messengers,
5. In coming to life after death (resurrection) the Day of Judgment,
6. And in that the fate good and bad is predetermined by Allah
(Some books have separated life after death and Day of Judgment as separate number and it makes total number to seven)
The Topics behind the App are:
-‘Aqeedah - Meaning and Importance
-Intellectual and Emotional Importance of ‘Aqeedah
-Iman - Definition and Components
-The Increase and Decrease of Iman
-The Effects of Iman
-Iman Bi Allah [Belief in Allah], Tawhid and Its Categories, Tawhid Ar-Ruboobiyyah
-Shirk in Tawhid Ar-Ruboobiyyah
-Tawhid Al-Uloohiyyah
-Minor and Major Shirk
-Iman Bi al-Mala’ikah [Belief in the Angels]
-Characteristics of the Angels
-Roles of the Angels
-Iman Bi al-Kutub [Belief in the Books]
-Belief in the Qur’an
-Who are the Messengers
-Unique Characteristics of Messengers
-Iman Bi al-Qada Wa al-Qadar [Belief in Divine Decree]
-Essentials of the Belief in Divine Decree
--Divine Decree and Relation to Free Will
-Iman Bi al-Akhirah [Belief in the Hereafter]
-Major Events of the Day of Judgment, Conclusion
Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair, the daughter of Dr. Idrees Zubair and Dr. Farhat Hashmi, received an upbringing in a household focused on Islamic education. In her mid teens she completed her first study of the Translation and Tafseer of the Qur’an and since then she has been educated in various Islamic Sciences, including Arabic Grammar, Fiqh, and Tafseer. A mother of two children, she believes every Muslim should learn the Qur’an and Hadith in order to bring benefit into their lives.
Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair is an established teacher of Quran with a focus on Tafsir and Word Analysis. She is a respected and inspirational role model, teaching both globally and in her community for more than a decade.
Ustadha Taimiyyah studied under her parents and scholars, Dr. Idrees Zubair and Dr. Farhat Hashmi (founders of Al Huda International). She has been a student and teacher, at Al Huda Institute, of various Islamic Sciences including Arabic Grammar, Hadith and Fiqh.
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This is Free Online Audio Mp3 Application about the Aqeedah (Aqidah) (Matters of Faith) By Taimiyyah Zubair.
Literally, the word ʿaqīdah is derived from the Semitic root ʿqd (ʿaqada), which means "to tie" or "knot."
Therefore, Aqidah or I'tiqad according to the scholars of Islam is: The firm creed that one's heart is fixed upon without any wavering or doubt. It excludes any supposition, doubt or suspicion.
As Aqeedah is most important part of Islam and of a muslim life, it has been dealt very clearly in quranic Ayats and ahadith.
Six Articles of Faith
There are six basic Aqeeda or article of faith (Iman) and these are to believe in
1. Allah,
2. His angels,
3. His Books,
4. His Messengers,
5. In coming to life after death (resurrection) the Day of Judgment,
6. And in that the fate good and bad is predetermined by Allah
(Some books have separated life after death and Day of Judgment as separate number and it makes total number to seven)
The Topics behind the App are:
-‘Aqeedah - Meaning and Importance
-Intellectual and Emotional Importance of ‘Aqeedah
-Iman - Definition and Components
-The Increase and Decrease of Iman
-The Effects of Iman
-Iman Bi Allah [Belief in Allah], Tawhid and Its Categories, Tawhid Ar-Ruboobiyyah
-Shirk in Tawhid Ar-Ruboobiyyah
-Tawhid Al-Uloohiyyah
-Minor and Major Shirk
-Iman Bi al-Mala’ikah [Belief in the Angels]
-Characteristics of the Angels
-Roles of the Angels
-Iman Bi al-Kutub [Belief in the Books]
-Belief in the Qur’an
-Who are the Messengers
-Unique Characteristics of Messengers
-Iman Bi al-Qada Wa al-Qadar [Belief in Divine Decree]
-Essentials of the Belief in Divine Decree
--Divine Decree and Relation to Free Will
-Iman Bi al-Akhirah [Belief in the Hereafter]
-Major Events of the Day of Judgment, Conclusion
Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair, the daughter of Dr. Idrees Zubair and Dr. Farhat Hashmi, received an upbringing in a household focused on Islamic education. In her mid teens she completed her first study of the Translation and Tafseer of the Qur’an and since then she has been educated in various Islamic Sciences, including Arabic Grammar, Fiqh, and Tafseer. A mother of two children, she believes every Muslim should learn the Qur’an and Hadith in order to bring benefit into their lives.
Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair is an established teacher of Quran with a focus on Tafsir and Word Analysis. She is a respected and inspirational role model, teaching both globally and in her community for more than a decade.
Ustadha Taimiyyah studied under her parents and scholars, Dr. Idrees Zubair and Dr. Farhat Hashmi (founders of Al Huda International). She has been a student and teacher, at Al Huda Institute, of various Islamic Sciences including Arabic Grammar, Hadith and Fiqh.
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